As the end of holidays near and a New Year approaches, it is a great time to reflect on life and take inventory of the changes you want to make or need to make. While each day, each hour and even each minute is new, there is something about the new year that cultivates an environment for change.
I know I’m ready to start 2015 on a positive note, make some personal changes and set new goals. I’m ready to feed my life with healthy food. I need to get moving again and set a running race calendar. I want to learn how to bake bread from scratch. I have a clear vision of what I want in 2015.
Perhaps New Year resolutions are cliche. You know what, I’m okay with that.
Are you ready to take 2015 by storm? Have you made a goal(s) for the new year? What do you want to change? What do you want to learn? How do you want to grow? How are you going to feed your life in 2015?
Are you ready for a Fresh Start? Yes. Great! Keep reading my Fresh Start series that focuses on getting healthy and feeding life. Each month I will cover a new topic. January kicks of the series focusing on diet and exercise.
Join me tomorrow as I talk about preparing to make changes. It’s an important first step to a Fresh Start
Count me in! I envision 2015 as a more balanced year, with a focus on moderation and making healthier choices with food, exercise, and activity.
I am looking to make a job change early this year, but aim to stay calm internally despite the tough working environment that I will be in until
I find something else. Things always change, so I need to be in the flow with this.
That’s awesome. Job situations are tough. I’ve been there. Best thing to do is keep you head up high. There is an end, waiting it out is the hard part.
My goal for 2015 is to stop making so many changes and giant goals. Lol
Consistency has been lacking for me the past year.
Tammy On Wednesday I’m posting about goal setting. Making goals and keeping them is really hard. May be the hardest part.