Every time I visit LA I’m emotionally torn as to how I feel about the sprawling mecca. From Beaches to Beverly Hills, I feel like Los Angeles is a bit Sybil-esque, a metropolis of multiple personalities ranging from grunge to gaudy to hipster to haute. In five minutes (without traffic, hahaha) you can go from luxury in Beverly Hills to debauchery in West Hollywood to chillaxin’ in Malibu.
Within a few miles the vibe of the LA completely changes and that to me is perplexing. Confusing as LA may be, there is lot to love. I’ve visited LA twice this year and here are some reasons I’ve embrace the city and just “gone with it.”
The Hollywood Walk of Fame
Tourist Trap, yes. Fun, you betcha. It is a memorable time strolling down the Boulevard talking about your favorite movies and characters as you step on stars.
They are everywhere and will show up on or with just about everything that you order. Even the diviest of dives serve avocado. Fried Chicken..yes please. Side of Avocado..you bet!
La Brea Tar Pits
It’s kinda strange to have a wealth of fossilized remains and an ice age fossil excavation site in the middle of modern city, but there it is..in LA.
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Breathtaking views and an impressive collection of art work makes for a perfect combination of sightseeing and culture.
Craft Cocktails
While not as progressive as other places I’ve traveled to, LA has an advantage of year-round produce that many places grow themselves. In other words, mojitos taste like summer in the middle of January because mint can be harvested year round. They also have The Library which serves omkase-style cocktails. Omkase is a Japanese word meaning “I’ll leave it to you.” Drinks are crafted to your liking based on a skilled bartender asking a series of questions about your likes, dislikes and mood.
From the majestic rocks, caves and crags of El Matador State Beach to the three ring circus that is the Venice Beach boardwalk, LA has beaches like no other place on earth. Unless your allergic to sun and sand, you will find a beach that is perfect for you. Laguna Beach hotel is one of the best accommodations in California.
While LA is not a place where I ever see myself settling (never say never) I kind of love visiting. And I kind of love that there isn’t just one “vibe.”
Wow!!! What a trip…I’ve got to make it to LA soon! I’ve got two trips on the horizon – one to Ireland and the other to Australia. And I have a very important question for you…
What do you wear when traveling? Especially foot wear? I want to dress cute while travleing, but plan to be on foot a lot. What do you bring/wear/do to prevent foot exhaustion. I know I could wear sneaks and hiking boots, but like I said…I want to look nice while on vacation. Any tips?
Hi Amy-
In the summer I usually wear sandals that are meant for walking (check out the walking company then search for better prices or sales online..they can be a bit pricey) and shorts. In cooler weather I wear low profile (like a Nike Free) athletic shoes with jeans. In cold winter weather and cool wet places (Norway) I wear flat boots with jeans or hiking boots. Unless I’m on a beach I try to stay away from flip flops. Personally, I’d rather look a little less fashionable and have a good time and be comfortable.
I also wear good socks with shoes.