My dad wasn’t a picky eater, he just flat out didn’t eat certain foods. He had a strange aversion to cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise (yeah…I don’t get it either). These foods were POISON and never touched the man’s lips. He grew up in a household of well done meat and soggy vegetables that included only those found in a frozen vegetable medley. Peas, corn, green beans, mushrooms and Lima beans. Broccoli was a product of satan and not Mother Nature. While my father wouldn’t eat foods that most humans walking the plant consider delicious, he did eat some really weird things that require a special palette that most humans walking the planet might consider “gross.”
Fried summer sausage sandwiches (they smell worse than they taste)
Canned sardines on dry white toast
American spaghetti
I have an affinity for these delicacies especially American Spaghetti. Maybe it’s because I have never met a noodle I haven’t liked or maybe it’s the nostalgia the dish has or maybe it’s the flavor composition similar to Chef Boyardee Spaghetti O’s that my mother would never ever serve to her children…EVER. But American Spaghetti ROCKS.
makes 8 servings
1 lb bacon sliced into 1/4 inch pieces
1 onion diced
2 cans tomato soup
1 lb cooked spaghetti (I prefer thick spaghetti)
In a large skillet fry bacon till cooked. Sauté onions in bacon fat with bacon until translucent. Add soup to skillet and bring to a simmer. Stir in cooked spaghetti.
While my dad would NEVER think of topping his spaghetti with grated cheese, I do. I especially like the shelf stable stuff that comes in the green can. It gives the dish a nice little zip.
Enjoy, at your own risk!
Funny thing, i wonder if his siblings had the same taste in food.
I’d never heard of “American Spaghetti” but they look good. I make a similar dish, BUT with pepperoni.
I drool just to think of it.
I have never even HEARD of American Spaghetti:)
Lorena his brother is the same way. Cheese is EVIL ..which i just do not understand.
Susan..yeah, it family thing. LOL
Happy Holidays Delane ! Hope you had a great Christmas.