For the past 3 years I have dodged the bullet and I have avoided attending Three Floyd’s Dark Lord Day. When Charlie’s BBF (best beer friend) moved to Georgia this past winter I knew my day would come.
Dark Lord Day is the only day of the year that you can buy Three Floyd’s Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout. Prior to the event you buy a NON TRANSFERABLE ticket and can opt to buy a second ticket for a guest. Tickets sell out in minutes So locked and loaded both Charlie and I tried to get tickets. Score! We both secured 2 tickets. Remember, the tickets are NON TRANSFERABLE. So off I went to Dark Lord Day.
According to Three Floyds, “DLD is a festival where participants can meet other beer enthusiasts, sample beers from all over the world, buy your Dark Lord, eat, listen to live music, and generally have a great time.” According to Delane, DLD is a festival where beer geeks bring beer to show off their beer geekiness and drink while waiting in a STUPID INSANE THREE HOUR line to buy Dark Lord with the hopes of getting a golden ticket, so they can buy $pecial Dark Lord. There is also death metal bands that play all day to hurt your ear drums.
Since I’m not a self professed beer geek enthusiast, I volunteered to be the designated driver. I will admit, I did have ONE Dark Lord at 3 pm. I’m confident to say that when we left at 10 pm I was completely sober. Although I was dying for something other than water to drink. (psst, Three Floyds if you reading, please have something other than beer and tepid water for us responsible DDs to drink. In fact, I would settle for COLD water)
As you can see by the scowl on my I didn’t have a a good time….at…all.
Delane – Great write up of what must be the greatest day in your life… so far…
Since you pinch hit for Charlie’s BBFF, does that mean if Batko gets run over by a government social worker, you will take his place as the Soup Nazi Libertarian on our Midwest McLaughlin Group by spewing the entire John Galt speech during our next taping?
um – My husband would LOVE to go next year with Charlie:)
Giggling at the write-up!