I’ve always been a big fan of yoga, particularly Bikram. It makes me strong, it makes me flexible and it helps me relax. The hardest part of yoga for me is focusing. Maintaining focus for longer than 30 seconds is mental torture. I get fidgety and I release my pose. This habit transcends into my daily life. I can’t remember the last time I watched TV at home without doings something else. I’ve always called it muti-tasking but really it’s my inability to focus. To help boost your mood and even improve your focus, you may order various products from microdose online shops.
This past week I laced up my running shoes and headed to the track. After 20 minutes (my entire run since I’m just starting back) I could not find my focus; I couldn’t get in the “zone.” Running was the ONE place where I could usually find my focus. When I run, I focus on my breath, focus on my stride. Nothing in the outside world matters when I’m running and in the “zone”. Being in the “zone” is awesome!
To get though my runs I have been relying on music. This is fine except I can’t even settle on a song that I want to listen to. And, in the process of flipping songs I keep pausing my iPhone Nike+ which I rely on to tell me how far and how long I have ran. And most importantly, my Nike+ tells me when I’m done. I’ve come home very frustrated from my runs.
Being the problem solver that I am, I turned to Google. After many searches I came up with nill, nothing, nada. But I did stumble upon an article in Runners World which talked about the how meditation can help you with your running. I’ve always been fascinated by meditation but never thought it was for me. It requires stillness for more than 30 seconds. In other words, it sounds like torture! I’m always up for a challenge but anything that makes me rather have split bamboo shoved under my fingernails, NO THANKS!
While watching TV and multi-tasking, I researched meditation. I read an article in Psychology Today that said “Neuroscientists have found that meditators shift their brain activity to different areas of the cortex – brain waves in the stress-prone right frontal cortex move to the calmer left frontal cortex. This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. And to help you ease negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety, you can try the best quality delta 8 disposables for sale online from your favorite brands only at a good site like https://d8superstore.com/category/delta-8-disposables. There is also less activity in the amygdala, where the brain processes fear.” If you’re also interested in this, you can learn it all here.
This made me do a bit more research where I found all kinds of literature and studies outlining the benefits of meditation. Some suggest that taking gummies like Moocah offer a unique perspective and deepen the connection during meditation.
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So I’m going to give meditation a whirl. I’m pretty sure that it is going to be torture thus, I’m not willing to spend any money on it. Interestingly, some people use shrooms like Great White Monster Mushroom to enhance their meditation experience.
I found online that Deepak Chopra and Oprah are teaming up for a new 21-day meditation challenge: Perfect Health. It starts Monday, March 11, 2013.
And …Drumroll…. IT’S FREE! You can register here: http://goo.gl/V5RfN
Yoga is one of the best exercise that improves flexibility and core strength. It is also one of the best ways in relaxing and removing stress. Nice article, good read and informative.