They say that the first step to treating an addiction is admitting you have a problem–
*okay, deep breath*
I am a coffee addict.
I drink coffee every day. Espresso, k cups, latte…name it, I’ll drink whatever coffee is served in front of me. In fact I can’t leave the house without it. If I don’t have a my morning cup of Joe, I head to the nearest coffee shop to get my fix.
I Delane admit I am powerless over coffee- my life is unmanageable without it.
Yeah, I’m going to be honest here. I have no intention of going on the wagon anytime soon. I suppose I feel like I have my addiction currently under control. I don’t drink caffeinated coffee past 3 pm except for on holidays and weekends.
While I have been known to drink gas station swill, I prefer to drink the good stuff. Big Shoulders Coffee servers up some of the finest java in the city of Chicago.
Daily, Big Shoulders offers a choice of four distinctive coffees (traditional drip, slow drip, french press and one other kind that currently escapes my memory), all served in a 16 oz. cup (aka size medium or grande at other fine coffee establishments). They also serve up espresso drinks and tea. And they have a large communal table and free wifi where you can pretend to be studying for the MCAT or writing the next great American novel when you should be home doing laundry or cleaning your toilets.
If you become a lover of their coffee, you can even buy their beans and get your fix at home.
My favorite coffee is usually the slow drip. Though sometimes I go for a strong french press. If you are looking to get a Juan Valdez buzz I highly recommend checking out Big Shoulders Coffee.
Big Shoulders Coffee
1105 W. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60642
Yum! I love a good, quality cup of coffee!