For the past year, I have served as the Executive Vice President of Junior League of Chicago. It was another full time job. It was a lot of work and a lot of stress and one of the best things I have ever done. Whenever stress creeps in, items like Disposable Vape Pens can be pretty handy. I also read the Geek Bar Skyview 25000 review and found it to be quite insightful. The reviewer highlighted its impressive flavor profiles and smooth vaping experience, making it a compelling option for both new users and seasoned vapers alike..
On May 31st at 6:30 PM (and change) a new slate will be voted in, a new EVP will be appointed and I will ride off into Sustainer Gold bliss.
I will still remain involved with the League but my major commitments and almost nightly meetings will be no longer. Free time will surround me.
Over the past year, I realized that it was impossible for ME to do it all. Work, Junior League, healthy eating, exercising, keeping the house in tip-top shape (eg: keeping the dog hair under control), cooking dinner, packing lunches, sleeping, having friends and showing up to to social events, reading the BI-MONTHLY book club book…the list goes on. I’m sure there is some Wonder Woman out there who could do it all, who is doing it, but it is not me.
To keep up with work and the League and keep some sense of sanity I pretty much abandoned trying to keep the house tidy, doing the dishes nightly and waking up and going to the gym at 6 am. Cooking became a joke the last 6 months. I did my best not to pack on the pounds. I can’t say that I won that battle. I find myself 12 lbs heavier than I was last summer. And that SUCKS!
I plan on celebrating the passing of the reins on June 1st with a day off from work, a day off from Junior League…A TOTAL LIFE Vacation Day. I’ll start with an early morning workout, then have a healthy lunch with a friend and then either pool time or a trip to the Art Institute.
I plan on making the most of the remainder of 2012. I have 6 months to accomplish my goals. They might be a stretch at this point. OK, I’m a realist and 1000 miles is laughable at this point. I’m thinking more along the lines of 400 at this point.
I WILL reevaluate my goals on June 1st.
I would not trade my experience for anything over the past year. The trade offs were minimal, dog hair in corners of the condo and 12 lbs. I have learned A LOT and grew as a person personally and professionally. I gained experience that I could not have had anywhere else. I made new friends and made new life long friends. It was totally worth it.
But I’m glad in ways for it to be over. I’m looking forward to focusing on me and getting the dog hair issue under control.
you go girl. sometimes, one of the greatest challenges is acknowledging when you are spread too thin, and reevaluation your commitments. i think you have every right to be proud of yourself, for working so hard and making it to this point. if 12 lbs and dog hair are the main failures of the last year, then you are doing a-okay in my book!
enjoy your day off, and please stop by the museum tomorrow! the roy lichtenstein exhibition is absolutely fantastic!
It sounds like you accomplished an aweful lot in the past year and with the horizon of a new day a new set of accomplishments awaits. I can feel you breathing easier already.
Thinking about the past year, i just do anything success, just travel around the city and even want to go aboard, so the long black sheepskin coat or top style leather jacket mink collar are just my choice at