For the past year (or so) I have passed this thing called Flywheel on my way to work. Upon investigation, Flywheel is an indoor cycling classes that according to the website will “challenge you to transform your body and have fun doing it.” I have been wanting to try a class for a while but when I went online I saw it was $25 I could not rationalize spending that money on a class when I can spin at the gym that I’m already paying for.
However, this week when I walked past I saw a sign saying ..”Try a Class for Free”. Well, sign me up Scottie.
So, Sunday morning I dragged my ass out of bed at 8 am to give Flywheel a go.
Flywheel offers free shoes (there are no cages, you must clip in), water and towels. They have individuals who will help you set up you bike too. The music is loud but you can gab ear plugs if you want them.
The class I went to was high energy. The music was good. The arm workout was hard for me. I’m weak. If there is one thing I have let go it’s my upper body strength.
I created my profile online prior to coming so my stats would be tracked. They have TVs that show your place in the class based on power points. I was last for much of the class (it seems everyone does NOT participate in this because the place was packed ant there were only 10 people on the list). But I was hell-bound NOT to come in LAST PLACE. I may be a lot of things, fat, slow, out of shape, BUT I WILL NOT BE LAST. I came in second to last; BUT NOT LAST PLACE.
At the end of the class I sweaty and my heart was pumping. I felt like I got a great workout.
The cool part of Flywheel is you can go online and see how your class went.
And you can see where you in comparison to others that track their Flywheel stats.
So the question is would I go back? For $25 it won’t be a regular thing (Unless I find some great Groupon or something). But, I would treat myself (yeah I just used the word treat when talking about an exercise class) once a month. Next time I would like to try the hour class (more bang for the my $).
I’m giggling about the Antonia De Santis, because I know someone with that name.
Good job on the class and not coming in last.
Wow, I haven’t heard of flywell and i know what you mean how it would be hard to drop $25 on a class like that without a Groupon..hehe. BUT I definitely think spinning is a great workout and I love how they give you a report how the class went. That’s so cool
Nice blog, following you now
Thanks Al. My legs went as fast and hard as they could.
Thanks Dale. The first class is free, so you might be able to check it out if they have it where you live. Highly recommend for the calorie burn.
Never heard of flywheel but the way you describe it seems like an experience..
I got a groupon for spinning class…. 5 classes – lets see how my lazy ass does.