Busy month for me with a trip to DC followed by a trip to Vegas for work. In the short month I have unofficially ( I weigh in on Saturdays) lost 4 lbs. I also managed to get my butt back to Bikram. I have been twice this week and I’m feeling sore but, it is a good sore. I’ve been inconsistent with my running and I worked out ZERO times in Vegas but walked A LOT and I didn’t gain an ounce. In retrospect a pretty good month. Exercise could be better, but I was very conscience of my diet.
A recap of my goals for February:
- Get to my goal weight
- lose 3% of my current weight – I lost a little over 2%
- Gym 5x per week – Nope
- Cook at home 5 nights a week and eat leftovers for lunch- I did this except for travel days
- Go to WeWa meetings and weigh in – Yep, except for my missed week due to travel
- Walk/Run/Crawl 1000 miles
- complete week 3-5 of the Couch to 10K program – I’ve done week 3 twice
Run 2 days to increase base and do 1 day of speed work- I’ve been average 1.5 runs a week, I need to do better
- Build a 10K base
- see #1 – See above
- #2 – see above
- its all about putting in the time- I have not put in the time
- Run a Sub 34 min 5K
- run at at a 5.2 mph pace when completing all Couch to 10K runs and 3.6+ mph when walking- YES, when I did run
- complete week 3-5 of the Couch to 10K program- see above
My Goals for March
- Get to my goal weight
- lose 3% of my current weight (longer month, less travel, hopefully do-able)
- Exercise 6x per week- 2 days of spin, 2 days running, 2 days of Bikram
- Cook at home 5 nights a week and eat leftovers for lunch
- Go to WeWa meetings and weigh in
- Walk/Run/Crawl 1000 miles
- Complete week 3-6 of the Couch to 10K program.
- Run 2 days a week to increase base
- Build a 10K base
- see #1
- #2
- its all about putting in the time
- Run a Sub 34 min 5K
- run at at a 5.2 mph pace when completing all Couch to 10K runs and 3.6+ mph when walking
- Complete week 3-6 of the Couch to 10K program
I realized this week that I really miss going to yoga. It’s not just the hot and sweaty workout that I miss, it’s the time I spend not thinking. For 90 minutes I think about nothing but holding a pose that I can hardly do, not puking and trying to control my breathing. 90 minutes of no work, not junior league, no housework. So I’m going to work it back into my schedule. I think it makes me a happier person.
6 workouts a week? Ambitious, but I know you can do it.
Congrats on the WL and the yoga.
awesome! Nice job on the weight loss, yoga, and momentum.
Thanks Al and Susan. I feel like I’m back in my groove.