I love me some football and I love me some pizza and wings. Superbowl Sunday…one of the five high holidays in the sports world. This year, after much coaxing (Charlie likes to spend this yearly day of worship in the peace and quite of his home), we went to a party. Despite the talking during the game we had a great time. I had saved almost every point I had so I could eat pizza and wings. And so I did. I have to say I did pretty well. Not great, but I only had one wing (with fixings), 1.5 slices of pizza, 6 nachos (with fixings), 5 potato chips, a handful of grapes, a hand full of carrots, a few slices of bell pepper, 1 pig in a blanket and NO BEER (angels just sang people)!!!!! A lot of food but only a few points over for the day.
When getting dressed I did plan for an extended stomach filled with junk food..stretchy pants and a big t-shirt. I suppose the smart thing to do would have been to wear my skinny jeans that are a bit too snug to remind me NOT to eat that last pig in the blanket…but what fun would that have been?
Worn Superbowl Sunday
Jeggins- CAbi (similar) (also seen here)
t-Shrit- DKNY (similar)
Boots- Nicole
Necklace- F21(similar)
Congratulations on keeping track of the points.
You look nice.
Wow, you did well–only one wing?! You deserve some sort of award! And I have to admit that beer’s about the only thing that gets me through the superbowl–but I’m not much of a sports fan. Anyway, you look great!