Long day.
Busy day.
Really Really long day.
It’s amazing how I can look so fresh before I go to work and like I have been rung though a wringer after work. I never reapply make during the day so by the time I get home I look like a grease monkey with makeup smudged on my face. I wish I was one of those women who look like they stepped out of the MAC department 24×7, but I don’t. By 2 o’clock I look like hell.
Do you freshen up mid-day? Or do you just hope the make-up you applied at 7am is still there at 4pm?
Worn to work:
Dress- Cabi (similar)
Boots-Audrey Brooks (also seen here and here)
Earring, bracelet and necklace- gift from Charlie
I never reapply. I rarely remember to bring my lip stuff with me.
The color looks nice on you.
that dress looks familiar….
This is a funny post because I was just talking the other day to a friend about how I need to take the extra 1 minute in the morning and 1 minute two or three times during the day to PUT ON MAKEUP! I think I look washed out and pasty in most pictures of me and that could easily be fixed with a little makeup!