I’m a project manager by profession. On a daily basis I manage people, tasks, and deliverables. My projects that have the least amount of issues are the ones that I spend time upfront planning, preparing weekly status reports (if they are need or not) and adjusting the plan every week based on status report analysis + project feedback. When my projects are not planned well they usually end up in the toilet. I end up spending more effort managing my poorly planned projects because a path to success is not clear for everyone to follow.
I know how to plan. When I’m very successful at weight loss, running, crossing stuff off my to-do list when I have plan.
I follow the plan. I modify the plan when needed. I execute the plan. I do well.
This week I did not have a plan. I was winging it. NOT GOOD. Who knew a margarita had 9 points (5 with the old plan..new points I can’t use the 50 cal per point method to guesstimate)? I would have known should I have planned my dinner the other night. Who knew that bologna (yes I like it on white mushy wonder bread) had 3 points per slice and the worlds smallest bologna sandwich is 11 points? I would have if I looked up the dang points before putting 2 slices between 2 slices of bread with a slice o’ cheese. NOM NOM!
What makes me good at managing projects is the fact that I see a project going down the drain, make corrections, regroup the team, get a new plan and move forward.
Tonight is the night to regroup, plan and get back on track.
Hope the planning went well.
Thanks Al. I think I’m prepare to travel next week and NOT fall in a pitcher of margaritas!