This weekend was filled with overindulgence as we celebrated Charlie’s Birthday.
Friday night we had a pre dinner cocktail at The Aviary before a full on feast at Next Childhood. We were extremely lucky to get same night tickets and two friends joined us for dinner. It was great to catch up with one of them as I had not seen her in 10 years. We started our first course at 9:30 pm and did not finish our last course until 1:30 AM!
The meal was incredible. We have been VERY VERY lucky to have eaten at all three of Next’s concepts. Childhood is my favorite thus far. It really showcased who Grant Achatz is as a chef. The meal was creative, flavorful and each course made me want more. And like his other concepts the wine pairings were heavy. So heavy, I really had I had to rally to make it through Saturday’s festivities.
Saturday after several glasses of water, a few Advil and a hot shower I was feeling human again. I had a meeting at 10:30 am that I need to speak at for the JLC. After a quick trip to JLC HQ, I came home, met Charlie and we made our way to Beerhoptacular. Several of us went and drank beer, lots of beer! Pretzel necklaces were key. And from 1:00-4:30 we sipped suds; I probably tired 30 different beers. After an afternoon of libations, we stopped for some real food and then headed home. I had originally wanted to go to a Chili Cook-off…but once I sat on the couch, me and the cushions become one. I was fused to the couch the rest of the night, we caught up on the DVR.
Sunday was lazy. We took the bus to Dose Market. It has grown a lot since its inception in June. It is now hard to take a look at the vendor booths. I really wanted to get some cheese but the line was long and I was impatient. We did split a BLT sausage. Yum!
It was such a nice day that we walked home.
It was such a fun weekend. Great food and great friends. You really cannot ask for more
OMG… i know you are showcasing the food but i saw that POPPLES lunchbox and was teletransported to the 6th grade !
My friend went to Next on Wednesday. Did you love it? Also, I was dying to go to Dose, but alas I’m waiting until next month.
Lorena..everyone got a different lunch box. I was hoping for the Smurfs but no such luck.
Tabitha..its worth the trip, but buy your ticket ahead of time to save $2. At some point they need to look a big space, its really crowded now.