I love a sunny, cool, crisp fall day. It means cozy sweater weather and cashmere hugs. Whats not to love?
Pants- Womyn (Mark Shale Outlet 2004) last seen here
Sweater- Cynthia Steffe (2008) last seen here
Necklace- ? Holiday Bizarre 2002
Earrings- gift
Shoes- Alejandro Ingelmo (Jake 2005)
Purse- Lambert and Truex (Gilt 2009)
Shades- Michale Kors (TJ Maxx 2008)
I like the sweater.
Ooh that is a pretty, cozy sweater. Do you know that I’ve never owned a cashmere sweater? Am I crazy or what? (Or maybe just cheap.)
Those pants fit you PERFECTLY!!
And you look fab.
Thanks. Lorena actually they do. And I didn’t even have to have them tailored.