Yeah me neither.
Do you make your own honey and have your own bees?
Yeah me neither.
I guess we will never be Martha Stewart.
In all seriousness, she is one of my role models (well expect for the jail time, I chose to ignore that).
She is attractive, smart, crafty and witty. She turned making cookies into an empire. And lets face it, the woman can set a table more beautifully the any other person on the planet.
On a random note, I noticed today at work when I was changing into my walking shoes that my shoes match the mini wallet and make up bag that came with my handbag. Which makes me think…Guess is using some ultra luxe materials or Lambertson Tuex is ripping people off. I prefer to think the former.
LMAO at your shoes matching your makeup bag. You planned it, right?:)
Love the outfit today.
Did you mean to look like you are in jail while referencing Martha Stewart?
Love the pearls!
i LOVE your wide legged pants! and happy to find another chicago blogger! yay!
I love the sassy hint of leopard here. And I can’t fold those flingin’ flangin’ fitted sheets either! But you’re right–Martha rocks. Hmm, one of my role models is Rachael Ray. She’s doing what she loves, she’s successful, and she seems to love every minute of it.
Thanks FabBlab. I go them free with purchase at the Chanel Makeup counter several years ago. Unlike most free with purchase stuff they are really well made glass beads.
Archives…yep. River North.
I love Martha. And you know how I feel about Rectal Ray.
I loved the shoes before I got to the makeup bag, and now I love them more.
And I still love the pants!
Hateeeeeeeee folding sheets. Period. Sometimes I wish they were disposable.
I am thinking about role models and actually I do not have anyone in particular in my mind.
However I do admire people who rise from the ashes and people who make their own way in life- through hard work, perseverance, honesty. Those people, I take my hats off to !
I really like this outfit, it’s like Chanel goes wild.
Very Pretty Delane