I was recently contacted by a representative from CSN stores promotional team and they asked me to do a product review.
After some research and browsing their site I found out that they carry some fabulous merchandise.
I had a really tough time trying to figure out what I wanted to get. They have everything from great shoes to lights for your house. But I have been eyeing a yogurt maker for months now.
Why do I want to make my own yogurt? I have no clue, but I do. So when I put in “yogurt” into the search box and several items returned in the results I was giddy!
Hello Tribest Yogurt Maker, soon you will be mine.
And after a few clicks though CSN Stores check out process (as a somewhat avid online shopper I found their system easy to use) my Yogurt Maker was on its way.
Four days later (I used standard shipping and it was shipped on time) my yogurt maker arrived.
I could hardly wait to open it up (but I do have my priorities and walked Addison first).
I was really happy with the way the packages was shipped. There were no extra packing peanuts. It was simply, a box in a box. Nothing irritates me more is when a forest of trees are used in packing materials for a package the size of postage stamp.
Hurray Yogurt Machine, boo no yogurt cultures to make yogurt
After reading the instructions and searching high in low in Chicago I determined that 1. I need to order cultures online 2. I could use store bought yogurt as a stop gap and try out my new yogurt machine.
So that is what I did today!
This morning at 6:30 am (much to Charlie and Addison’s chagrin) I started to make my yogurt.
Following the instructions, I heated one liter of milk.
I then cooled the milk to 103-113 degrees and added cultured PLAIN yogurt.
I then blended it together
I filled my yogurt jars, filled the machine, turned it on and went to work.
And guess what???????
I came home to YOGURT!!!!!! (per the product reviews I read online, the Tribest machine works like a charm)
Well, I still have not tasted it (yet). But it looks like yogurt and smells like yogurt and you know what they say, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…its a duck!
I am very excited to try out my yogurt after it has chilled. We will be having it tomorrow morning for breakfast.
As for CSN Stores..
I give them two thumbs up!
Five key items I look for in online shopping:
1. Easy to use
2. Site is easy to search and find product info
3. Easy to check-out
4. Product Ships quickly
5. Product is as advertised
On another note, I’m looking for a new entry way table for the condo…I’ve been searching for months. This is one of the cabinets that I’m considering at CSN . I’m sure I’ll be ordering from them soon.
Disclaimer: The kind people at CSN stores sent me a gift voucher to review a product of my choice and their store. The opinions are my own.
I had no idea such a thing existed! I could totally use one of these!
OK, I would never ever use a yogurt maker. I’m far too lazy. But, I love the oriental table.
And, I love the view from your place!
wow – look at that view!