Every magazine since I started reading Teen Beat has told me a tan will make you look instantly 10 LBS thinner. Well, with my current sun burn I should look like I’m at my goal weight!!! I accidentally grabbed a 4 SPF lotion yesterday. I misread the label and thought it was a 40 spf. OOOOOOOOOOOOOps.
I’m currently grilled like a bad steak, raw on the back side, well done on the front.
Getting dressed was a challenge today. I put on pants and they felt like sandpaper on my legs. This dress is a really soft sweater knit and didn’t hurt. It also covers up my flaming chest. Yes it was so bad this am, that I didn’t run. I’m going to try to go later tonight. The weather has cooled down, and clouds have rolled in! I never thought I’d say this, but I hope it stays gloomy the rest of the day. If not we’ll just crack an egg and cook dinner on my thighs.
So what do you think…does my tan make me look like I’m 135 lbs?
Dress- Verticle Design (Nordstroms Rack 2004)
Shoes- Nicole (Akira 2007)
Jewelry- Charlie won this in a Raffle
PS… I swear I brushed my hair today, even though it doesn’t look like it
Ouch! Sunburns are no fun!! You look cute though–I love that necklace!
Why do you even HAVE 4spf sunblock!
Yes, do you look 35lbs slimmer – I am going to go parbroil myself now…..
Go Mr. Raffle!
A. I like the dress.
B. You look good in the dress.
C. That was what I didn’t like about the other dress. It made you look Hip-py.