It is hard not to be happy today with the crisp and sunny weather, it’s fantastically wonderful. I’m also delighted to have another fun week ahead of me with a highlight being book club on Tuesday. For once I’m not rushing to finish the book (I did that last week so I could see the movie).
I have to say I never imagined myself belonging to a book club. As a kid I wasn’t much of a reader, that I remember. It wasn’t until I started taking public transportation to work that I started to read on a consistent basis. Now, I can’t imagine not reading every day, be it a magazine, book or newspaper. It is now my way of winding down before I go to sleep.
When I was a kid I also had this image of what I would be professionally and how I would look when I went to work. Well, I’m not a cowboy boot, wrangler wearing veterinarian. I think it was seeing the live birth of a horse that turned me off to the idea. It was the combo of the large rubber gloves and mucus that sent me packing.
When I was in college I had no clue what I wanted to be but I was leaning toward the lawyer route. In lieu of law school I ended up going to paralegal school after graduating. I worked as a paralegal while still contemplating law school. One day in court, I get yelled at by a judge for touching his bench. It was then that I realized that I didn’t want to work in a hostile work environment day in and day out. I also I put my power suit lawyer image to bed as well.
Somehow I’ve ended up in technology and I’m now in health care IT. How I am dressed today is how I wish I dressed every day in the office. I feel like I stepped out of an Ann Taylor catalog.
Day 115- Trend #7: Vibrant Graphic Prints
You look amazing. I am loving all of the pictures! I need to hire you to outfit me because you have fantastic clothes!!!!
BTW, holy cow are you looking svelte! Congrats!