I LOVE HOLIDAYS and nothing says love of a holiday more than a bedazzled headband!
So I didn’t actually wear the headband at work, those streamers are annoying! I know, your disappointed in me, I can feel it in your eyes.
I originally bought this dress to wear for a Christmas party in 2008. It came Christmas time and my ass was WAY to big to wear the dress. Christmas of 2008 passed. Christmas in 2009 also came and went. I was delighted to try this dress on the other day and it fit. The dress is a bit shorter than I have been wearing, you can actually see my knees. In my opinion nobody wants to see a chubby chicks fat legs but I gave it whirl today. The verdict is still out for me.
Trend #2 Short skirts (hey, you can see my knees…this is progress for me)
Dress- Democracy (2008- ebay)
Tank Top-Banana Republic (2009)
Leggings- L’eggs
Shoes- Tory Burch (2009)
Earrings- gift from my mom …circa 1990
I was going to say you met a trend!
Cute dress! Not so big on the headband…:)