Yes, on any given Monday you can find me at the copy machine or pontificating work sitting by a window next to Pete the Plant. Okay not really, my normal Monday work routine goes something like this:
1. fire up computer
2. check email
3. eat breakfast while making to-do list for the day and week
4. catch up on email and send replies to achievers proactive individuals who worked on the weekend that I, as an overachiever/email addict didn’t reply to yet
5. do work (yesterday I worked on finishing up at Business Development Opportunity Proposal and Business Plan for a Guide (e.g. document) that someone wrote..riveting work, sort of like migrating a millions documents from one Operating System to another while watching glue dry. Normally I really like what I do, this, not so much mostly because its on something I know nothing about (the topic that is))
6. at 11: 00 start thinking about lunch
7. eat lunch while catching up on personal email,blogs, new, weather etc..
8. go back to work/meetings
9: 2:00 low, get something to drink
10. continue to work
11. 3:00 curse the person who scheduled a 4pm meeting or love that I have no 4 pm meeting
12. 4:00 start making excuses not to go to the gym
13. 4:30- 5:00 Leave work and “go to gym”
Day 47- Monday in the Office:
Skirt– Jaeger (I fell in love with the brand when working in London, bought it in 2003 @ Marshall Fields)
Turtleneck– Christmas gift 2004 from Marshall Fields (high quality cashmere and still looks like new after dry cleaning)
Shoes– Casadei (Gilt final sale 2008)
Stockings– L’eggs (Walgreen’s)
Earrings– Not sure where or when, but my I’m wearing them in my Sophomore Sorority Picture …so 1993
Broach– I bought it at a holiday Bizarre in 2004. It is one of my favorite pins.The picture below doesn’t do it justice. I’ve been known to put it in my hair when I have an “up-do” too.
Love the poses… too funny!