Last year I gave up buying makeup and used what I had. My little “adventure” brought me to CVS on a Friday night when I realized I was out of tinted moisturizer and powder. I had also been using a not so great blush color and really needed one in a pinkish color.
I ended up walking out with only a Neutrogena tinted moisturizer. I hadn’t used non department store makeup in a LONG time. I was pretty apprehensive because you can’t try any of the products out at the counter. I didn’t want to look like Tammy Faye…or worse George Hamilton.
To my surprise it went on non-greasy and had a nice semi-sheer coverage. My only complaint is that it really doesn’t moisturize. I still have to use a daily moisturizer underneath it. I also use more of the Neutrogena. Not really a big for me and it is also half the price of the Kiels (which by the way is Owen by L’Oreal) that I was using. After a few days of using the Neutrogena Healthy Skin my confidence in drug store cosmetics was restored.
I decided instead of buying my T. LeClerc powder I would give a drug store brand another shot. Looking at my Neutrogena options I decided that the powders looked a little orange. So I moved over to the Revlon and L’Oreal sections. After doing a price comparison I decided that since L’Oreal was on sale I’d give them a whirl.
I bought what I thought was loose powder but was actually a mineral foundation, Bare Naturale. When I got home and used it it made me a little pasty. I tried it a few times and its a Fail; it now resides in the gym makeup bag only to be used every so often. When I was buying the “powder” I picked up a blusher from the same line. This however is not bad. It has nice color saturation and the pigment is a nice pink. I’d recommend the blusher but the foundation was just to opaque for me. I like to have a little glow without using bronzer.
Still in need of powder and also in need of half and half, I returned to CVS. L’Oreal was still on sale; why not, it couldn’t be any worse than what I had. I ended up going with a pressed powder (I still use a powder brush and really do prefer loose). I went with True Match. I also picked up a another blush also from the True Match Line. Both are winners The powder had a nice finish, moderately sheer and feels smooth on the skin. The blush has nice color saturation and the pigment is nice as well.
All in all my drug store buys are okay. Since then I have tired a few other items. A few have been duds, though, mostly due to user error, but duds nonetheless. I do not like cream eyeshadow but I loved the Revlon Cream Shadow colors this fall. So I thought I’d give them a try. Verdict is in and I’m not a fan. I like the colors, but the shadow does crease and I have to use my finger to put it on. I do love the colors and they look great once on.
If anyone know of an alternative to Revlon’s Purples let me know!
You might have also noticed that the blog is once again going though some remodeling. I’m not done with it yet. So please bear with me as I find a new sleeker look.
Ohhhh it is looking good over here. Thanks for the reviews.
Wow, it is different over here. I usually just read in my reader.
Thanks for the info. I’m definitely gonna give the Neutrogena tinted moisturizer a whirl. (but boo to CVS!
I loved the cream eye shadows but Revlon did something this past year… Now my eyes puff up and swell shut.