Is getting better..but Very Very slowly. I don’t have pain during the day like I use to. It does hurt in the morning when I wake up and walk, some days more than others. Its usually when I run or do a lot of walking. After 1-2 minutes of stretching its okay. If I do all my foot exercises that helps too.
I have started back running…and I am starting over from scratch. I’m on week 2 of the couch to 5K program. I was told by my doctor that I need to build up; I should not be going out and running multiple miles. Its really hard to follow the program. I can run farther and longer that the program says. I have to force myself to stop. I’m hoping to get one full 5K of running in this year.
Tomorrow were running the Blackhawk 5K. I’ll be running according to the plan…and then walking.
I think I’m finally over the fact that I can’t really run and I’ve been hitting the gym. I rediscovered the rowing machine…not very good for calorie burn, but good for my arms and back. I’ve also been spinning. I FINALLY found an instructor who I like and who’s music does not stink.
I’m also 1 pound less than my 1/2 marathon weight last year (as of 7 pm last night). I’ve lost all that I gained after doing nothing the month of June and part of July and a few pounds to boot. I was feeling pretty gross there for a while. Now to keep up the cycle…who knows maybe I will make my high range goal weight by New Years.
On to fun stuff…I have a new food find.
Mirai corn.
Its meant to be eaten raw. Its delicious and tastes great on salads without cooking. It also tastes great cooked. If you see it, give it a try.
Woohoo about the weight and running.