Where the hell is summer? It was maybe 63 today!!
And in other news….
I think my Planar Fasciitis is getting better. I have an appointment to see another doctor in August and also to get orthotics made. But I did run the Bastille Day 5K the other week and I was able to run the first mile and run walk the last two with 1 minute run, 1 minute walk. It worked..I shaved a couple of minutes off my time. But it was still the 2nd worse 5K time I have ever had. And to think, I use to complain about a 36 minute 5K. *sigh*
And in other news….
Boston was AWESOME!!! I highly recommend going to beantown once in your life for the 4th of July. It made me really proud to be an American. And the food, OMG…so good. It think I had Lobster Daily. I will post pictures this week.
And in other news…
Germany + Boston = lots of fun + lots of food and beer. I decided I had enough and went back on a eating plan. When I was going to Boston I bought the magazine Cleaning Eating (I’m also reading Jillian Michaels, Master Your Metabolism) and the magazine had a two week meal plan. I have been following it for the past two weeks with a few substations. I’ve lost 7 lbs in two weeks with a few workouts here, not following it much on the weekends and drinking. I’m sure 5lbs was water weight from Boston. But I have to say its pretty easy to follow. I do make a few subs like real fat cheese vs. low fat (I HATE LOW FAT CHEESE ..except for feta and mozzarella).
I’m going to repeat the two week plan starting Monday. If I can lose half of what I lost the past two weeks I will be ecstatic. I will be at a decent weight to start training and hopefully kick 20-30 lbs (like I did last year) during training season). I’m going to try to watch my food better and create some meal plans to follow. I’m really bad about looking in the fridge and figuring out what I’m going to eat. If your interested in the meal plan I typed the whole thing up. http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=t-EYs2nbG-RXb_coGdEz4SQ&hl=en It has 3 tabs first is the meal plan, second is the shopping list, third are recipes and notes.
I HIGHLY recommend the stuffed peppers. They were AWESOME with a little help from my herb garden.
In other news…
Terrapin 5K is this week. I got a jazzy tye-dye dry-fit, wicking bandanna in tye-dye and a metal water bottle. I’m hoping to get my 5K back in the 30’s in the next month. I’m still on the fence for the Rock n’ Roll 1/2. I’m thinking about just walking most of it and having fun listening to the bands. Why not? At this point, I know I can’t run it because I haven’t trained but I know I can run walk it. I did some track work the past week and I think I ran 1 miles walk a 1/4. I could train up to around 10 miles in the next couple of week. I’m going to wait to make my decision at the end of next week.
In other news…
I have some new food finds…
1. French Breakfast Radishes. They are wonderfully mild, a little sweet and taste great with salt. 

2. My balcony herb garden. Its going strong except for my cilantro and marjoram. I have fresh Basil, Dill, Thyme, Parsley, Tarragon, Oregano and Chives every day at my disposal. They make dishes taste so much better. If something is bland, I sprinkle some fresh herbs..instant flavor and no calories!
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