Or so say my mother. Truth is I really don’t have much to blog about.
Work has been work these days. Last week we released Phase I of a big project I have been working on, Phase II launches in June and I have three other projects that I’m managing. Needless to say I’ve been busy at work and have put in some long days. Right now I’m procrastinating doing a status report.
I’ve been trying to get back in the running groove but the weather has not been very cooperative. Its flipping snowing again !
I’m getting use to my new diet of no gluten. I have also cut out HFC and Corn Syrup. I’m suppose to cut out sugar, rice and corn. Sugar is on the list this week. I’m really not looking forward to it. But rice and corn will be the hardest…how the heck am I going to have Taco Tuesday? I have discovered Agave and have to say its wayyyyy better than steevia. By the end of the month I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be on fruit, veggies, meat, nuts and plain dairy. In May I start to add stuff back in and see how I react. So by June I will know exactly what I can eat and not eat.
I didn’t run the Shamrock Shuffle last week. In a nutshell..it was snowing/sleeting/hailing. So I slept in instead. April 25th is my next race, its a 5K so no biggie. I just hope the weather starts to improve so I can get some good run in outside.
I have been adding MORE things (of the bad kind) to my diet lately and need to get a grip. Congrats on doing so well with your elimination diet!
I cannot believe this flipping weather. I want to run outside, but unless I move to the South I am wondering if I will ever be able to do it before it is 90 degrees outside with crazy-high humidity.
Congrats on your elimination diet.
I had a hard enough time giving up BBQ for Lent.
*bowing down to your will power with the elimination diet*
I totally understand about not having anything to blog about.
As far as the weather in the South…it’s all jacked up as well. 90’s day before yesterday, woke up to the 40’s this morning.Supposed to be in the 20’s in the morning and back to the
90’s by the weekend.
I’m just going to call and reserve Doctor appointments now.
Aww, Delane… I feel your pain when it comes to this weather. I’m further south than you, so we’ve been lucky with the snow but I did read on Runner’s World website about the atrocious weather for the Shamrock Shuffle and wondered if you had run it.
I’ve been considering coming up there for the Rock-n-Roll Half in August, myself… maybe it will be warm by then.