Ugh..I’m going to admit February was not my best month
1. Its was friggin COLD so doing anything more than walking to and from work was miserable. And 1/2 the time I got a ride to work from my neighbor.
2. I went on vacation. It was awesome. I was in Puerto Rico where it was 85 degrees every day. One would think that I would have ran….um no. My activity consisted of drinking mojitos and running to the next fried street food vendor. But who can resist this….
3. To take a week of vacation I ended up putting in extra hours before leaving.
1+2+3=…you got it 6 flippin’ pounds
So the Shamrock shuffle is in a few weeks. I started back running this week. IT STINKS. I have something going on with my heel. I have not hit WebMD yet but I think that I might have a heel spur? IN a nut shell, if I walk barefoot my heel hurts. If I wear shoes with a heel or a cushion its fine. ….I know, don’t walk barefoot. If it gets worse I guess I’ll go to the doctor. I also poked my self in the eye yesterday and it’s all red. It doesn’t really hurt but got all goopy last night. I forgot I poked myself and thought I might be getting pink eye. Maybe I can get a multi visit discount?
This weekend I’m spinning and I’m going to try this body pump thing people keep talking about.
Next week I might embarass myself and try Zumba. Maybe I can convince somone to go with me.
Here are a few pics from Puerto Rico..
Some of the delicious food…..there was not a day that I did not eat some form of Plantain.
Below is El Morro..and then me enjoying a rum punch at the Bacardi Factory was a departure from my Mojitos
The water fall in the Rain Forest…that water was COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it felt good after hiking there
Condado Beach…where our hotel La Concha was. The beach was a little rough but it made for some fun body surfing.
Adam ‘PacMan’ Jones talking on his Phone…probably with his agent telling to not do anything stupid. We had a fun time playing craps with him the night before. He was there with “Neon Deion” Sanders who has the biggest whitest smile I have ever seen.
I loved all if the pictures! And frankly, I could never have resisted the food in your first picture.
Great pictures! I would say 6 lbs isn’t too bad considering all of that delicious fried food…
Plaintains are fruit!!!