I’m sick…sick as in, didn’t leave the house all weekend sick. Sick as in, I’m drinking orange juice as beverage not as part of a meal sick.
I hate being sick. I especially hate it when you well enough to be bored out of your mind, but not feeling well enough to do much of anything. I’d rather be bed ridden for 2 days and be done with it.
Good news, my throat is no-longer sore. I’m still congested. So that great running plan…I plan to start it this week. I’m going to *try* to run in Arizona during my long weekend. I got one of the 20 min runs in last week. So if I get the other 2 in this week and make up one run a week for 3 weeks…I’ll be back on track. Ugh….
So what to do about the Turkey Trot…
Yep, I’m gonna give it the old college try.
A) I’m so sorry to hear that you are sick fighting that damn thing. Grrr.
B) Have a great time in AZ! Hopefully the warm weather will make you feel better.
C) Even if you don’t exactly catch up to the plan, you’ll still be in a great place come race time next spring.
D) I am sick, too, so the Turkey Trot will find us both as two slow-moving vehicles.
Reinforcing my plan to never get a flu shot!
Oh man! So sorry…seems everyone is sick this week. Get well, don’t push it on the running front, don’t want to set yourself up for more time being sick.
Hope you’re better soon!