Ugh..I have/had a bad one. I ended up having microtears in my legs. Specifically around my ankles which created a lovely burning sensation anytime I ran. After a talk with a doctor I was told to not run for a week or two, they need time to heal or they will just get worse. Then start back slowly; no more than 20 mins of running at one time and no more than 2 intervals in one run and to build from there SLOWLY.
I feel like I’m starting all over. Oh well, not much I can do.
Oh no! Sorry to hear about the microtears…
Here’s hoping that your 2 weeks passes quickly and you’re able to come back stronger than ever!
I think my brain has left me..
I was like what is a microtear…a smaller than normal tear from when you cry?
I’m slow on the uptake.
Get to feeling better.
that stinks after all of the hard work you have done. But I bet your endurance will come back quickly once you get back to training. And the spin classes will keep your cardio endurance at a high level while you rest your ankles.
ouch! bummer about the injury. I can relate about having to start from scratch….it sucks.
Hope you are on the mend soon.
Sorry to hear about the injury.
Consider taking this time to look at low heart rate training over the winter. It is a great way to recover from injury, build aerobic capacity, and improve your running.
It takes 3 months, minimum, but I had great success from it.
Check out this link.