I have to say Nike puts on one heck of a race. The Nike Human Race was great! Chicago had the largest organized run in the world, 14,000 runners. It was amazing to see everyone in their red race t’s.
We got the race and walked around. After not being able to locate my friend Tery, eating a pack of bare naked granola (why oh why do I keep thinking that crap is going to taste good) and pee’ing, we got in the 12 min/mile pace group chute. After a late start the gun finally went off at 6:40
…………………..and then we waited to get through he chute. It took a good 10 minutes and I was off. I was running slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Mile 1 was partially though an underground tunnel, Mile 2 and Mile 3 were ON Lake Shore Drive. They closed a lane, cars were honking at us. Mile 4-6 was back on the lake front path. All along the way there were people cheering, bands playing music and signs for encouragement. Around mile 5 I passed some people bbq’ing ribs for dinner. I contemplated asking them if I could have one. They Smelled so good!!! Needless to say I ran just about all of the race (I stopped for water and Gatorade at the stations). My official time…who knows. When I signed up for the race I somehow got resisted for New York. I was able to get a chip, but apparently they never entered me into the system. Booooooooooooooo.
So I have no “official time” but I think its somewhere around 1:22…Like I said ….slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
As for my training, I have my 15 miler coming up this weekend. I’ve missed a few runs in the past few weeks. All for good reasons. Well one reason, we got a puppy.
Her name is Addison and she is the cutest thing ever except for when she is crying in her crate or peeing on the hardwood floors.
I have managed to do all of my long runs. I’m hoping to get back on track this weekend. I have exactly ONE MONTH till race day and 4 long runs left. For some reason I feel like I’m cramming for an exam.
I’ve been thinking about my goals for this year.
In January I posted them:
1. Lose 60 lbs. by December
2. Run a 1/2 marathon by June
3. Run a 5K in UNDER 30 min by October
4. Do 30 days of Bikram by November
Its September..how am I doing,
#1- I’ve lost 10 lbs, but more importantly I’ve lost inches. I’m going to make a run at the 60 for the year. Its harder to train and lose weight than it is just to train or just to lose.
#2- Run a 1/2 marathon by June.. June October, really is there that much of a difference?
3. Run a 5K in Under 30 min by October. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I’m still in the slow and steady wins the race mode. I would like to defer this goal until June of next year
4. Do 30 days of Bikram by November. Well Since I have been training for the 1/2 I have not been a very good yogi. In face, I have not gone at all. So I would like swap out this goal for something else. I would like to run 500 miles by the end of the year.
Your achievement of your goals is to be commended. I don’t care if you didn’t get them by the time you wanted…
Most people ditch their goals by February… but you have made excellent progress on them! And look at how far your running has taken you, literally… all of the miles that you have logged and the distances you can run now.
You have a month left, and I have no doubt that you will rock your 13.1.
Hey, you are at least somewhat on track for all of those goals. I’m afraid to even look back at mine from January. Ai-yi-yi!
You remembered your goals, that’s a lot more than most can say.
Not only that but you’ve stayed dedicated and committed to them.
I love Addison, she’s very cute.
You’re amazing me and inspiring me with your running and races! I can’t wait to be able to talk shop with you, someday…
Addison is so cute!
Nice work on your goal progress. You have done really well.
Addison is adorable!
I think you are doing great.