Google is your friend, before signing up for Whistlestop I googled it. I found one u-tube video and some guy, Matthew Patten’s blog:
Matt’s blog had a full race report about Whistlestop which I read. Since then I have been reading his blog and have developed a serious running crush. He one of those bat shit crazy ultra marathon runners who just completed his first 100 mile race. (yes people MILES, not kilometers…FREAKING MILES)
Why is he my running crush..well he’s a Regular Guy.
Hes not a professional athlete and does this for the love of the sport . From what I’ve read, he has a family, holds down a job that requires a bit a travel. He’s just a guy who loves to run FOR REALLY LONG PERIODS OF TIME.
Congrats Matt on completing your 100 mile race.!
Now on to Ike…
The Midwest is experiencing rain and flooding, a side effect from Hurricane Ike. I had 15 miles on the plan this week for my long run. I basically did not run this week. I have lots of excuses for why, simply put, I did not get the miles in. I was really prepared to run 15 today out in the burbs in the forest preserve. I was going to run the Des Plaines North trail. Its 10 miles and I figured I’d have Charlie meet me at stops along the way or ride his bike with me. Well…NO GO. The trail was flooded. Actually all of the trials along the Des Plaines river are flooded. Boooooooo!!
I have reworked my schedule. I have a lot of running over the three weeks. I’m not going to taper per se for the 1/2. I’m going to have a recovery week instead then run it.
ONE HUNDRED MILES?!? That is amazing!!!! Maybe you’ll get to meet him if he is running the 1/2 again this year.
Even missing a week, you are still going to kill the 1/2. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this week!
Boo Ike! I got wet yesterday.
I know some ultra-marathoners. Crazy is definitely the right word for it…
I am super embarrassed!
For the record, my life is pretty boring when not on the trails.
And, you are only limited by your own thoughts. Check out Julie’s blog
She was not a runner 12 years ago, and claims to not be able to run a mile. She now has a mantle full of awards.
All of the Superior Trial races (100 mile, 50 mile, and marathon) received zero dollars. One guy had a shoe sponsor (which only means he get free shoes).
Thanks for the kinds words and stay focused on the half marathon. A few trail geeks from MN wil be there.
Ike do not get me started….
I am really looking forward to you doing super at this 1/2. I know you will get it done.
100 miles? Are you serious? I’ve got to check that out.
And I can not believe your 21 mile/7-11/cop story.
I feel so bad for you, even though it was a long time ago, and it made me feel better about being so upset the other day. It was tough!