Yesterday was my second attempt at 8 miles.
My prepartion was a bit bit better than last week. I was out the door around 8 am this time. I also ate 1/2 a luna tea cake bar (only bread/carb non poopie pants thing I could find to eat in my house) and drank some water so I was not running on an empty stomach.
I wish I would have read Jens comments on my earlier post about freezing my hydration belt becuase I had to nuke my frozen bottles to get them to melt a little and fit into my belt. It was 80 degrees when I left and humid. I mapped my run before I left. I did a straight run down Chicago Avenue. (note to self: past California is kinda sketchy ..find new route for next long run).
My legs felt tired for most of the run. Mile 1-3 were okay, I worked out the kinks by mile one. Only issues on mile 1-3 were dodging a bunch of people going to work and waiting for the bus and also trying to aviod all the smokers. For some reason there seem to be an abundance of them going to or fro places on my route or waiting for a bus. As and ex-smoker I really cannot complain, but it would be nice NOT to smell smoke on my route.
I stopped at mile 3 to drink some water. It was still kind cool on the verge of tepid. by the end it was piss warm. I’m going to try Jen’s method next time.
I picked back up and foreged on to mile 4, At mile 4 I turned around and headed back home. I think between mile 3 and 4 the temperature went up around 10 degrees or at least it felt like it. I stopped at mile 4 for some more water. Mile 4-6 were run walks. I’d run 8-10 minutes then walk for a few minutes but looking at my stats I must have been crawling mile 6 and 7.
By mile 5 I was really feeling the burn in my legs and the balls of my feet. For those of you who do not run on concrete its a LOT hotter on your feet than gravel or a track or a grassy trails. Cement holds heat and it radiates though your shoes. I will say that changing my socks to balega last year made my feet happiers but they are still hot.
Miles 6-8 sucked, all I really wanted to do was walk so I made myself a deal, I’d walk in the sun run in the shade. I did this till I made it back home.
Before leaving I told my doorman to call a rescue team if I was not back in 2 hours. He told me I was cutting it close.
My digits…
8.02 miles in 1:44:45/ 13:03 pace
I’m guestimating my slits based on the Nike+ graph and from what I remember.
Mile 1 – 11:03
Mile 2 – 11:09
Mile 3 – 12:19
Mile 4 – 13:09
Mile 5 – 17:03
Mile 6 – 15:03
Mile 7 – 12:08
Mile 8 – 12:45
I have a big dip at mile 5 and 6 but for the most part my pace was pretty steady my other miles. Which I am pretty happy with.
After my run I relaxed by having a maicure and pedicure and going to the pool.
Today I did a light swim, 30 min.
Next week is a recovery week and I CANNOT WAIT!!
Great job D! Glad part Deux was betta than the orginal. Enjoy the recovery week.
yay duck!!!!!!!!!!
Fabulous job! Keep up the good work!
Go Duck!!
You just glossed over the best part! The mani/pedi and trip to the pool.
Great job getting that run in the heat we’ve been having lately!
Nice work!!!
Awesome job!! Dont you have and even bigger run scheduled for this weekend? Inquiring minds need to know…