I built enough wiggle room in my training plan so that if I had to miss or postpone a run it would be no big deal. Last week I just could not squeeze in my 10 mile run in as planned. So this Friday instead of waking up doing an easy 5 miles I’ll be doing 10. At least I have the whole day to recuperate!
I’m also thinking of driving out to the burbs and doing it on a path in the forest preserve. More than likely I will just run on the lakefront because I hate traffic and it seems that everyone and their uncle drives on the expressways 24 hours a day in Chicago. I also think that if I keel over and die I’m more likely to be found on the lakefront path and less likely to be eaten by wild animals.
I’m also putting together my pre-race plan for Whistle Stop (my first 1/2). I have a 15 mile run in a few weeks and will use it as my practice run. I defiantly plan on running it on a path. I also need to figure out what to eat and not eat prior the race. (note* to self look a map and determine where bathrooms are on the course or if I need to potentially squat in the woods). I’m not so much concerned about the actual food that I eat the night before as how its going to effect my digestive track. I know I need to hydrate about 2 liters the day before and 12 oz when I wake up then 8 oz on the drive and 8 oz of coffee. One of the reasons I like evening races it that I don’t need to think about this stuff as much. I just do my normal daily routine and by the time run time comes I’m good to go with all bodily functions in check. In the am…its a crap shoot sometimes(literally).
LOL at the crap shoot!
Keep on trucking, you can do it! And happy bday soon.
The long runs require so much planning it feels like…When I don’t plan it is brutal. Good Luck with the 10. You are right on track.
Good Luck D! LMAO at the crap shoot and idea of you squatting in the woods.
You’re doing a great job keep it up!
You rock, D! Keep up the good work.
Crap shoot! HA!
Good luck with the long run. I prefer to run in the morning. I think I drink too much water during the day to run in the evenings…