I think I have re-written this first sentence 100 times trying to come up with something witty..but I’m just too tired. In a nut shell I ran (mostly) 10 miles today. It was hot and humid and there was little shade. It did not go as well as I would have liked for it to go…but then again neither did my first 8 mile run.
In summary
I walked to the lake front to loosen up. I did upper body yesterday and my arms and chest muscles were killing me (they still hurt, just not as much as my feet right now)
I had some coffee and 1/2 of a Luna bar before leaving and some water. By the time I started my run I was thirsty(never a good sign). I waited till mile 1.5 and had my first 8 oz. I continued on…mile 2 and 3 were okay. I stopped at mile 3 to go to the bathroom and drink some more water and refill my water bottles. I forgot to freeze g2 so all I had was water.
At mile 5 I had the other half of the Luna bar and more water. I stopped to eat it. I then realized that I was completely soaked and there was not an inch of dry clothing on me. I walked for while. I met some guy who was doing 18 ..his wife gave up a mile 8. We complained about the heat then he took off. I then passed him at a water fountain. I did a jog walk thing from mile 6 to 8 and then my body had nothing in it. I pretty much walked mile 8-10. I tired to jog every so often. I stopped and stretched for about 5 min and drank some water sitting down. I found a stand that had g2, after I bought that I had some more pep..I was able to get about 10 more minutes of running out of me ….but then I was done!
After it was all said and done I did 10 miles in 2 hours 12 min. 13.2 pace. I know I can do better than that! But for my first time I don’t think that’s too bad. I left my Nike+ running my whole route I did 12.27 in 2 hour 55 min (that included the potty break).
Well at least it is done!
Next weeks schedule is BRUTAL..its one of the worst weeks on the schedule.
Monday 7
Wednesday 4
Friday 12!!!!!
Sunday 6
I’m thinking of dropping Mondays 7 to 4. I will see how my legs feel on Sunday. Or might just go for it…really how hard can it be?
Yeah…I’d drop the mileage on the mid-week runs…I was exhausted just reading your report.
Good luck this weekend. I HAAAAAATE running in humidity. THE WORST. but you did it!
Nice job! There is nothing worse than running in the humidity. yuck.
Well, it looks like tomorrow should be a cool day so hopefully that will help your run. Just think… if you do the mileage as laid out this week, you will WIN the Nike+ Summer 100 challenge!
Hey, you got the miles in. That’s what counts. I don’t even talk about my times when it is humid like that!
Great job Delane! I hate running in the heat too. I cannot wait until Fall!
Way to get it done! I am very excited for your 1/2..I know you have been focusing hard on this.
Great job Delane! Humidity does suck the big one. But, you did it and that is what matters. Keep up the good work.
I’m impressed that you can down solid food (I don’t count goo or gummy stuff as solid food) on a run.
Also, I hate humidity and wouldn’t exercise in it unless threatened with mortal harm.
Great job!
Summers are meant to be splitless!! So ditch the times and relish in the fact that you RAN 10 MILES!!!!!!!! Awesome!
I’d pass out if I ran 10 miles. Nice job!