Run for the Zoo sucketh..
My time sucketh…
My mental state sucketh…
My Heart Rate sucketh…
Why did it sucketh???
1. Crowded, which is fine normally but not when you are having pace issues, not so much. I kept up with the crowd mile one..booked a 10:30. That’s good you say, yes if you don’t crash at mile 2..and walk 60% of it, killing your time. My Nike graph has a big crater in mile 2.
2. My time, seriously I need to move it..move it..move it. 41:07 is just unacceptable and not have big craters at mile 2.
3. My mental state..I think I had an anxiety attack during mile one. All I could think about was the 1/2 in TWENTY weeks…jeebus..its TWENTY (20) weeks from now, not next week.
4. Because I was a total dufus I missed looking at all the animals..apparently we ran though the zoo?? Really, because I don’t remember that..I just remember having Sybil like conversations in my head about how I’m not going to die in this 5K nor the 1/2.
5. My HRM showed a low ..a LOW of 178 and a high of 195..I should be running at 165-170. Not at 105% of MRH.
Here is a pick post race with the Lions..there were in the same position pre and post race.. life as a Lion is good!!
So race #1 for the season did not go so well. I guess the only way to go is UP!
On happier note, I did not have any BRE!!! Though I did feel the need to pee most of the time, but I think that was nerves. It was a beautiful day!!! Warm in the sun, cool in the shade. I burned 610 calories in 41 min (go heart rate). I burned another 284 calories walking home. So I burned almost 900 calories yesterday, and I did some light walking later in the day too. I’m on track for 30x30x30,000 in June.
So this 1/2 Marathon. I’ve been thinking and debating the 3 day or 4 days of running per week. I’ve decided to with 4 days where IF I feel the need I can take an extra day of rest and not do a mid week run. I’m also doing a slow ramp up. First month is mostly 12 miles a week running 3 4x’s per week. This will allow me to focus on my pace training the next month.
I looked at one 3 weeks I was up to 6 miles..Um right..I think not. I’m still finalizing my race schedule that needs to be baked into the overall plan. I’ll post the full plan soon.
30x30x30,000.. June 1 ..3 miles jogged/5 miles walked..1000 calories burned
I also joined Viv’s Weight Loss Challenge. I hope she go my scale pic. I had issues of it bouncing back. I’d like to drop 15 lbs this month. Its a lot, but I have some MAJOR fluid retention going on right now. Around 5-8 lbs..I’m like a water buffalo at the moment. So really I’d like to lost 8-10 lbs. And June is a long month.
Sorry you weren’t happy with your time! The shirt is nice though
Some runs just suck.

At least you didn’t get passed by a one-legged runner.
Some races just suck donkey d***, and well being at the zoo you got that over with now.
It was just a race to get the rust out. I know you will do much better with the one in June. Good luck on the challenge!!
I would KILL to run a 5k in 41 mins, but that’s just me.
I agree, some runs are just horrible. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll kick some major butt on the next ;D ;D