I went to bed last night hungry, I woke up hungry, I ate lunch and I’m still HUNGRY!!!
And its not in my head, my stomach just growled at me. Why the heck is losing weight so hard..yet gaining SOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy. Really, I could pack away a pound of cheese..heck throw in a 1/4 pound of salami.
Its really hard to be social and not be hungry and lose weight. If your drinking, you not eating. And when you do its, its high calorie finger food. Its not filling AT ALL.
So tonight is Friday; Friends birthday party. I will once again go to bed hungry because I would like to have a cocktail or three. That’s around 400 calories..or in the points world 8 points. That leaves 300 calories of food. NOT A LOT.
So far today I have had about 900 calories. I *try* to eat somewhere between 1300-1500 calories a day. If I do I lose, if I don’t I stay where I am. If I eat over 2000 calories I gain.
And so you all don’t think I’m eating low quality food here is what I have had to eat today.
Coffee with 1/2 and 1/2 – 59 calories
Fage 2% yogurt with that Cherry Stuff (which is really good) – 130 calories
Raspberries– pint 50 calories
Snack- NF latte- 130 calories
Turkey Sandwich with 3 oz turkey on wheat bread with light cheese, lettuce, tomato, light mayo
and mustard. 415 calories
banana-109 calories
Food group wise I had
2 dairy
2 grains
2 fruits
2 veggies – there were a lot of tomatoes and lettuce on the sandwich
1 fat
1 protein
SO I have an 8K race on Sunday…I’m on the fence about how I feel about it. I’ll let you all know when its over!
That is a quality menu. It is not easy that is for sure. I can look at the food and gain it back.
Have a great race!
Good luck on Sunday, hon! You’re right, this WL stuff is haaaaaard.
Looking forward to hear how your race went!