Tagging is one way that bloggers connect with each other and each other’s blogs. I was tagged by Al and Jen. I’m going to have to go tag people I don’t know because I think all of my inner circle has tagged. Eh..I have no issue going up to random people in real life, it should be easy in the cyber world.
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
I was 24 and I use to run to stay in shape and was trying to lose many of my college #s. It was very effective!
2. What is your best/worst running experience?
My best running experience is probably all the times I use to run up in Wisconsin on the dirt roads in the woods. There was always some noise, a deer in the woods grunting or what I thought was a bear but really it was just a rock to make me hall ass back home. The hills are killer and the fresh air is awesome.
My worst running experience is probably doing a long run many years ago in 90 degree heat, hitting the wall and sitting down on the path b/c I could not catch my breath or get my legs to move. It was of course all mental, I had water with me and a power bar (this was pre gu days) but it was awful. I started to cry and had no clue why other than I was sitting on the side of a running path with no motivation to move.
3. Why do you run?
It really gets my legs in shape and helps me lose weight/maintain my weight most efficiently.
4. What is the best or worst piece of running advice that you’ve been given about running?
Best- Get good shoes and stretch after your run.
Worst- you can train for a marathon in 3 months, yeah if you Lance Armstrong but me, not so much!
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
My body is deformed…okay not really but.…my right arm is shorter than my left arm b/c I broke my growth plat when I was a kid, My second toe is longer than my first (evolution toe) and I have scoliosis so my right rib sticks our further and his higher than my left.
OK, the second toe being longer than the first isn’t really a deformity, is it?
Maybe I’m deformed and never knew it…
I loved reading about your running adventures and the whys.
I have the second toe thing going on too, but we pull of a pedi like nobody’s business.
My second toe is longer than my big toe….
It sucks when you are so tired and can’t go anymore…I hate that. Really good post! I love reading other people’s stuff that reminds me that I am only human.