I’m taking deep breaths…………
I just signed up for a 1/2 marathon!!!!
Wholly CRAP!
I have until Ocober 11th to train, 13.1 miles. It will take me over two hours…thats two hours of running..WHOLLY CRAP!!!!
what did I just do?
Allright D! So happy that you signed up. I know you will kick a$$!
thanks for the comment on my blog.
don’t stress about whistlestop. It is a beautiful race and an easy course. Cows moo at you during the race.
relax and build up a strong base.
Speed kills
Go Duck!!!!!!!!!!!!
AWESOME!!! lol about the cows mooing at you…
You will do great!
I have the Baltimore half on the 11th of October as well. The following weekend is the virtual Nike Women’s marathon…(I think) – we should all do it!
Great that you committed to the half.
WTG Duck. You’ll do great.
Cows as cheerleaders…what more could you ask for?
You are going to ROCK!!!
You just did the best thing ever!!!
I was in total shock that I signed up for a 1/2 marathon (that was back in January), but am SO GLAD that I did. It was totally worth all the *&^%$#@! that it took to get to the start line. And then at the finish line, you get a bright shiny medal! (And it’s all about the medals!)
I’m actually jealous — I’m looking forward to the 2 – 1/2 marathons I’m signed up to do, but it just won’t be like that first one….