All winter I was looking forward to a work conference in Orlando. Chicago has been miserable, bitter cold and lots of snow. I have abandoned walking to work many morning for a cozy cab ride instead. All-in-all since posting my 2008 goals I have really made -0- progress. Actually, I think I might be going backward. Which stinks.
So, I was really looking forward to Orlando. I figured I could get some runs in outside, kick-start my plan back to a health and fitness. Well…a great plan only comes together when all the parts are working together. Unfortunately, they did not.
I did the Hustle the day I left. I had pre-race jitters.. I had never done it and did not know what to expect. I only got a few hours of sleep since my race time was 7:15 am. I took the last flight out and got to the hotel….if you would call it that, it was a step above a roach motel. It was just gross. But what was I going to do it 1:30 am? So I crawled in bed and got up at 5:30 am to get ready. First I like to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night minimum. I normally get 7 to 8, sometimes 9 and on weekends 10. I like sleep, what can I say. After 4 hours of sleep two nights in a row and a day of intense conference schedule I was ready to pass out I was so tired. I really wanted to find a new hotel but I was just too tired, so I pretty much passed out at 8:30. No running …grr.
Next day I work up and was feeling under the weather. I could not put my finger on it. After a day of walking around the conference in high heels (what was I thinking?) I decided I need find some lower shoes to wear the next day. So I went shopping. During my search at an outdoor mall, the temperature dropped to 40, it poured rain. I got cold and soaked. No running….grr.
Wednesday I woke up and felt like crap. I check out of the craptastic hotel and went to the conference. Steve Case was speaking at I stuck out the conference until them. I had the chills and the airborne and Advil I bought was not working. I checked into my new hotel..Charlie was coming down for the weekend and we were going to the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH. When I got to the Sheraton, it felt like a Ritz Carlton. I crawled into bed and slept. Needless to say, my fever broke that night. I had a doozie of a chest cold and sinus infection. No running….grr.
Charlie arrived on Thursday, we had a low key day. We did some outlet mall shopping and had a fantastic meal at Emerils. No running….grr.
We did the parks on Friday and Saturday. I did a lot of walking…ate lots of great thing. I was pretty bummed I could not drink my way thought the world showcase at Epcot. But still, No running….grr.
When I got back to Chicago, I took the whole week of the 3rd to get better. Since I was out for a week at work I had a lot to catch up on. I was pooped every night when I got home and could not muster up enough energy to cook dinner, let alone workout. No running….grr.
Last week I ran once on Monday, I almost lost a lung at mile 1 so I quit. No running for the rest of the week….grr.
So this week I have to get back on track. I feel like slug and I swear I have muscle atrophy. I’m also racing in the shamrock shuffle in 2 week. Its an 8K, I’m very unprepared. I have to get a few runs or I’m SCREWED. I’m going to Garrison the race. Use it as my kick-off race of the season. It can only get better right?
I’m also grocery shopping tonight, making my meal plan for the week. And planning my workouts every day.
Garrison Running week
Monday- crunchs and pushups- I have a DR. Appt after work in the burbs
Tuesday- Run 2 (1j, 1/4w, 1j)
Wednesday- Bikram
Thursday Run 2.25 (1.25j ,1/4w, 1j)
Friday- Bikram
Satruday – run 3 (1.5j, 1/4 w, 1j, 1/4w, 1/2j)
Meal Plan
Monday- B: Breakfast sammy, L: pasta leftovers, D:chicken enchiladas
Tuesday- B:fruit and yogurt, L: leftovers, D:crockpot BBQ chicken and rice and veggies
Wednesday – B:fruit and yogurt, L: leftovers, D: Soup and Choppped BBQ Chicken Salad
Thursday -B: oatmeal, L: sandwich, chips and fruit, D: stirfry
Friday – B: oatmeal, L: leftovers, D: Restaurant or soup and sandwiches
Saturday -B: cereal L/D: out
Sunday- B: Breakfast Panini L/D: at my moms
I was suppose to race this weekend and didn’t becuase I have been derailed. I’m also not running the Rockford 1/2 becuase I was detrailed, I’m shooting for the Chicago 1/2. I’m sad because I knew a lot of people racing too. I’m also suppose to be racing for TJ which I still plan on doing and I’m crafting a master plan for Team TJ.
I’ve got plan this week..I need to execute!
Some of my colleagues travel to Orlando quite a bit and say it’s tough finding a hotel that isn’t a roach motel once you get away from the parks!
Glad you got a chance to enjoy the parks while you were down there!
Sorry you’ve been sick, but it sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track. I’ll be right there with you, trying to drag myself back, too.
D, sorry to hear that you were sick, sweetie. You will get it some quality training done in time for the 8K. That was awesome you got to spend some fabu time in Disny with Charlie! You still look hawt
I hear your pain. Once I think I have kicked this flu/cold it comes back. I haven’t gone to yoga in over a week.
Good for you for making a plan. It is totally reasonable and I know you can stick to it.
Oh, I secretly love Disney. Last time I went I was too sick to drink around the world at Epcot too.