….my thinking I can’t do the Rockford 1/2 becuase I won’t be ready.
Two nights ago I went to run on the treadmill. The Zen Sucker (as I like to call her) was there, my knee hurt, my feet hurt, my shoes felt to big, my pants kept creaping up my crotch, I felt tired, I could not concentrate, I felt gassy and kept belching and I just quit. It was the worst 8 minute run I have ever had in my life. After I quit, I was proud of the fact that I even went to the gym. I really did not want to go but knew I had to go. Two hours later, I started to think ..what if this happens again. What if I have to work out with Zen Sucker all the time, what if I quit and fall behind on my training.
Yesterday I was in a full out panic..I debated quitting. Screw it, I’ll just run the Chicago 1/2.
What I realized todayis that I have been doing this all my lift. I’ll clean my closet next weekend, I go grocer shopping tomorrow, I’ll write the memo in the morning. I procrastine and then freak out becuase I get into time crunches.
I have approximately 3 1/2 months until the 1/2. I have a sold 2.5 mile base before I suck wind. And, I think I can do it.
NO, I know I can do it. It might not be my best time that I can do or I might need to walk or vomit or be carried off on a strecher..but I can do it.
I need to stop procrastinating, stop making excuses, stop letting the Zen Sucker get to me.
I just need to put on my big girl pants and do it!
So your all wonder who is the Zen Sucker. Well she lives in my building and exercises out in our workout room and she sucks 100% of the Zen out upon entry. She is a mojo killer to the 100th degree. Why, I don’t know. Maybe its her screwy workouts where she hangs on to the treadmill for dear life while run/walking, maybe its the ace bandage on her knee that is too big and does not do SQAT, maybe its the crap she leaves on the treamill while using other equiptment, maybe its her reading People, OK, US and USA Today. I don’t really know, but when she walk in she sucks any joy that was in the room out. I know what you all are thinking, she is reahabbing her knee and also looking for drug gainesville detox, good for her doing what it takes on the treadmill, screwy or not. Well if she is she has been doing rehab it has been for two years and it has changed her. To tomorow I have yoga, and Saturday another run. I hope it gets warm enough out to go outside. They are predicting temperatures in the teens. Pray for me that the Zen Suker is NOT THERE!!!
I pray for your sake that the Zen Sucker stays away from you!
I’m totally with you on the procrastination and self-sabotage. I do it all the time. I can talk myself into anything, especially if it means I get to be lazy for one more day.
I know you can do this half marathon in May. You just have to commit yourself to it, and you will do what it takes to get through it.
Keep away Zen Sucker. I am glad you are feeling more confident with this 1/2 in May. You can so do it D!
I am like that with the swimming. I may not do the 1/2 in May cause I might drown in March. After 200yds of swimming I get outta the pool like a wussy, with the best bunch o’ excuses I can think of.
You have done it before multiplied by 2….so you got! It is yours for the taking