Well its 2008..time for new challenges. In retrospect of 2007, I completed my only goal.RUN…RUN..and RUN. I did it, I completed a 5K. I’m back, I can be a runner. So whats in store for 2008.
1. Lose 60 lbs. by December
2. Run a 1/2 marathon by June
3. Run a 5K in UNDER 30 min by October
4. Do 30 days of Bikram by November
These are all very realistic goals, tough, but not outside the realm of what I can do. Of all of them the hardest in my option is going to be #3.
I am just not a fast runner. I’m not. I’m a slow and steady wins the race kinda gal. I also get in a groove, and I don’t like to leave my safety zone. I run on the treadmill at 5.0 (with a warm up and cold down at 4.7)..its slow and I know it.
So how do I plan to accomplish these goal. Well I do have a plan, Kinda.
1. I’ve been on Weight Watchers for a LONG time now, I have been somewhat successful. I’ve been doing some analysis on my eating habits and what will really work for me. First, I need a kick start. I just feel toxic, I need something to get me on track. So for the month of January and Feburary I’m fat flushing. First is the detox, then the fat flush. Its really not that bad of a plan…if you okay not eating sugar or refined carbs and ALCOHOL. Then I’m going back to calorie/carb/fat counting and eating “clean”. I’ll probably go on Weight Watchers modified Core plan. I don’t believe all of the Core principals (ie: you can have ff sf pudding but not ff sf yogurt? really is there a difference in the chemicals?)
2. Follow a running training plan. Its simple..run, run, run according to plan.
3. I’m not quite sure what my plan is for this goal. I’m still figuring it out. I’m sure it will involve speed work, I hope my weight loss will help too.
4. Yoga makes me feel better, plain and simple. When I do yoga, I feel stronger, leaner and more capable of running and losing weight. I need to pick a time ..and do what I tried to do in 2007 ..30 days of Bikram in a row.
I’m looking forward to completing my goals this year. I’m putting them out there, I’m now accountable.
I have no doubt you will meet your goals! Looking forward to seeing you accomplish them.
Hmm, no detoxing on the 15th
Good job! I have my resolutions all set too. 1. Stop Smoking (which is still going strong). 2. Increase Yoga. 3. Run more 5ks 4. Knit!
I’ve been delaying making a list of goals for 2008. Yours looks tough but attainable! Looking forward to seeing you reach them.
Nice goals…LOL about slow runner, Ms 5.0.
I run fast at 4.6.