I’m patting myself on the back at the moment, I ran 5 out of 6 days on my vacation!!!! And even more impressive is the last run I did (1 mile) in 12 min and made it UP 3 hills which have been since my nemesis for as long as I can remember.
I was up in Northern WI this past week (families summer home) visiting with my mom (who lives there in the summer months). When I arrived it was PERFECT Running weather, High 70’s cool breeze on Friday. I put on my running clothes, tied my shoes and met my new running partner Tilly for RUN #1. Tilly is my neighbors golden lab. She rescued her this year; Tilly use to be a deer hunting dog but apparently not very good at hunting…but she is an EXCELLENT RUNNER. She showed me that first day that’s for sure.
Run #1 – My plan was to do a 3 mile run. So I start moving..clipping along…oh boy Hill #1…(huff puff) its over…down hill I go then a flat..to Hill #2..(huff puff, huff, puff, huff puff..I need to walk)…I climb the hill to Hill #3..oh NEVER MIND, I just walked..then huffed and puffed. Hill #3 is a BITCH!!! Yes I said it ..BITCH.. why you ask, well from first glance it does not look bad..because she hides the worst part by curving and then you get to the top and about 50 meters down the road is another mini hill. It is brutal. Oh and Tilly..bobbing in and out of the woods, running as if she does it every day! 3 miles completed in 56 mins.
Run # 2 – I put on my running clothes, tied my shoes, got Tilly and did a repeat of Run #1. Except I shaved 1 min off my time and made it up Hill #2 without stopping. And Tilly was not as spry as she was on our first run..there was less bobbing and weaving in the woods.
Run #3 – I put on my running clothes, tied my shoes, got Tilly and did a quick one mile 13. 35 min pace- my legs felt like jello but I did it. As quick as I could.
I took a day of rest after Run #3. I went on a trail hike (2 miles to work out the kinks) I was SORE!
Run #4 WAS A DOOSIE! It is 5 miles from our summer home to the paved highway. I decided I was going to run 4 of the 5 miles and walk back. Well here it goes.. I put on my running clothes, tied my shoes, got Tilly…Hill #1 NO Problem, Hill #2 (count it out..1, 2, 3, ……15 I MADE IT)..(huff puff)…okay HILL # 3 the BITCH here I come… (count it out 1, 2, 3…..35.. I MADE IT!!!!) OH CRUD MY LEGS ARE Jello but I kept going. After 25 min I took a mile breather then I picked it back up till I reached the paved road. Tilly looked a little pooped and I was out of water. I ate my mini Luna bar and popped in a piece of Juicy Fruit. Off I went on my walk. It was at this point that I realized that the next 3 miles were on a slight up hill on the “flats” and MY LEGS were GOOOEY JELLO; I kept having to stop and do squats b/c they were cramping up. I was out of water..and I considered drinking from a crick that runs next to the road.. One foot after the other I kept plugging along, Tilly at my side..all of a sudden I see a car..It was MY MOM. I was gone for over 2 hours and I guess her and my neighbor were worried. She had water (that water tasted like the finest champagne) . I ended up hitching a lift from her. I did 8 miles -4 run and 4 walk but I conquered the BITCH! Ha!
Run #5 – easy peasy 1 mile run/ 1 mile walk. I did all the hills and my time was 12 min FLAT!!
I’m back home in the concrete jungle. I plan on running tomorrow morning. I’ll put on my running clothes, tie my shoes, but I won’t be running with Tilly…and I’m going to miss her. She was a great running partner. I hope she stays in shape this winter b/c I plan on running with her next year and this time making it back home without having to hitch a ride home.
Delane, that is awesome! You are SO good to get out on vacation, and 5 of 6 days…on hills? WTG!! Welcome back!
On a sidenote, I LOL at your mom hunting you down–my husband always makes me give him two time cutoffs when I try a new route or add mileage. One is my estimated return time, and the other is when to send the search party, in case I’m lost or passed out.
WTG Delane! I am so proud of you. I hope one day I will be able to have that dedication.
You are brimming with GAD, Delane. WTG! p.s. I love that you said “crick”.
Wow! I’m so impressed, running 5 of 6 days on vacation! And, you hiked the day you didn’t run.
WTG on the 12 minute mile!! On hills no less!
I’ve never had a dog that I could run with, but I imagine it was wonderful having Tilly along as a companion.
WTG Delane! That’s some dedication running on vacation. I’m glad your mom found you to give you water young lady!
I got thirsty reading this, LOL. WTG, duckie!!
Great job Delane, You conquered the hills.
Duckie, what a great vacation. I’m glad you let that bitch hill know whos the boss. Ahh, Tilly sounds so sweet. Waht a great running pard!