So my real reason for running 5K races is the swag. I’ve pretty much eliminated races that have just have a cruddy t-shirt unless it for a really great cause. Thus my motivation for running the Bucktown 5K was the hoodie and hat.
With hoodie and hat in possession I could have slept in and not done the race today. I really was not feeling my runner mo-jo this am but after hitting snooze for an hour I got on and put on my running clothes. Its was a great am weather wise 75ish. Not to cold, not to hot.
As I made my way though the shoot, I started feeling better. I planned on making this a run/walk races from the get go. I planned run/walks: 7/2, 5/2 then 5/2 and 3/1 repeats to the end.
Mile 1- 10:23
Mile 2- 14:08
Mile 3.1 – 14:11
Total time- 38:42
Pace – 12:39
This is my best 5K time yet!!! Who whooo! This is not my chip time but the time on my watch which I did not hit stop when I crossed the gates. It turned into a great training race.
Nicely done Delane! The hoodie and hat are way nicer than anything I’ve gotten out of a race!
Excellent time!
Wow, I’ve never gotten anything as nice as that hoodie and hat from a race!
I just lookedup my official time
38:30 12:24
Awesome time Dealne! I love the hoodie and the hat, suaweet. Glad u got out there.
WTG on the time!!! You’re awesome!
Great meeting you this weekend–and looking forward to a longer visit in DG!