So one would think that this post is about the extreme heat or cold. Maybe rain or snow?
Well NO..this post is about my fat butt running in the urban jungle and the elements in said urban landscape.
Well NO..this post is about my fat butt running in the urban jungle and the elements in said urban landscape.
(I took this photo last year after a rainstorm from my balcony)
Because I must beat Charlie in the Nike+ Challenge (see the right side of my blog), I decided to go on a run this Friday before work because I knew that I could not run later in the day. I put on all the gear..shorts, sleeveless t-shirt, jog bra, HRM, hat, ipod w/ Nike+, shoes, chapstick, gum, money and id. One would think I’m going on a weekend trip with all that. Nope just a 3 mile jog around the hood.
I decided to do the “da hood” run (as I like to call it). I run around my neighborhood then cross Chicago Ave. go around what is left of Cabrini Green. Its exactly 3.1 miles and normally I encounter local pedestrians and maybe a bum or two. Nothing outside the norm of what you encounter if you are running down on the lake front path. The turf is a little rough but its easy coasting and you don’t have a lot of stop and go on the streets.
So every dog owner in the city must have forgotten poopie bags this am. I swear I was running round landmines.
I kid you not, I must of saw at least 6 loads on the pavement. Oh and there were also a bunch of …I’ll leave 1/2 a load left on the pavement because a) all of it does not fit in my bag or b) my dog had the runs and I got grossed out by picking it up and had to evacuate.
I was about .9 miles into my run and I stepped into a nice mushy pile. So I spent the next 1.2 miles dragging my foot trying to get it off.
After running around the dog dodo war zone known as River North I head around the da hood.
I like running down Halsted because its a straight shot from Chicago to North Avenue. Rarely do you have to stop for cars. On the other hand it is polluted by lots of trucks. Nothing like sucking on an exhaust pipe while you are running. Doesn’t a little extra C02 to help out the lungs?
I like running down Halsted because its a straight shot from Chicago to North Avenue. Rarely do you have to stop for cars. On the other hand it is polluted by lots of trucks. Nothing like sucking on an exhaust pipe while you are running. Doesn’t a little extra C02 to help out the lungs?
So instead of going up to North Ave I made the turn at Division.
****On a side note, the bums living along the river had quite a cardboard castle built. They were serving up eggs, bacon and coffee this am. It made the stench of the river smell pleasant.
So I’m cruising down Division and I was suddenly Pompei’d by little pellets. The wind picked up and little fragments from a pile of construction gravel were hitting me. I had to shield my eyes (*note to self add sunglasses to the list of stuff I run with) and got some in my mouth…boy could I have gone for a sip of water (*note to self, start running with camel back again).
After making my way thought the pellet zone I notice all kinds of stuff ahead of me floating in the air. What the heck?? Garbage. Apparently nobody puts garbage in the trash receptacles that the city puts on every other street corner. paper cups, bags, newspapers and god only knows what else was floating around. It was not nearly as poetic as the floating bag in American Beauty.
I then did my little dash past the construction zone where there is no side walk…I was hot, sweaty. I see Stewart Park..oh goodie I can get a sip of h20 from the bubbler…Yeah, well the bubbler is gone. They installed these water fountains that I was not going to sip from. The water only got a 1/2 inch above the metal spigot.
I cruise out of Stewart Park. I dunk my hands in the big Fountain on the corner…cool water ahhhhhhhhh. I then think to myself..”I wonder how many bums or drunk people have peed in that fountain, I wonder how much bird pooop there is in there” I was then grossed out (*note to self, carry hand sanitizer with me on my run) and booked it home.
I was never so glad to take a shower.
when it comes to hand sanitizers, especially in NYC, go for an alcohol-free, rinse free version, the alcohol-based products are getting slammed for causing dry/irritated skin, they don’t actually work on dirty hands, but they are good in case you want to mix in with club soda–its 140 proof!! Our fav i.e. alcohol free hand sanitizer is a product called Soapopular–Target and Wal-Mart carry it, so do plenty of independent pharmacies, and its actually the #2 hand sanitizer on You can also buy it at
It is something for everyone huh?
I am laughing to all the new stuff you have to add to your run…
Sorry D but you are ganging up to Charlie quickly.You betta beat that boy.
LMFAO @ 6 loads…poor D
Berky’s blog about hand hygiene makes me giggle…I didnt even read it but it just made me lol that someone would have a blog about it.
I digress…OMG on your post. That was great – I felt like I was right there with ya! LMAO at the cardboard box castle.
I thought I was the only one who got mad at people who don’t pick up their dog’s loads.
I would have been so irritated. Good job for not stopping.
I tagged you.
TAG! See my blog for details. Everyone’s tagging everyone else. It’s what the cool people do.
Wow, quite an eventful 3 mile run!
I love the picture from your balcony and I am jealous that I don’t live somewhere cool like you do.