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I woke up today and was not feeling it.
Excuse #1-
1. My legs were sore, felt like led and my feet hurt
2. My thighs were chaffed and some how so was my ass (how that happened I have no clue)
3. I was tired
4. I ate so badly the day before, I felt sick and BLOATED
5. I was Bloated by somewhere around 7 lbs..unless you gain 7lbs from a bag of combos and some french fries,
6. I thought the race was next week Sunday and felt very unprepared
7. Give me time and I’ll come up with a few more
So I made the decision not to run. But, Charlie was running so I decided to go anyhow.
When I got there I decided I wanted to run. My stomach was feeling better, I was not as stiff was when I woke up and I just felt like more of a loser for not running than having a bad race. But I did not have my stuff, so I couldn’t. Lesson learned, the only race worse than your worst race, is the one that you did not run.
The men’s winner ran it in under 16 and the womens’ in under 18. All came thought the finish line and did the stop, bend and gasp. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who does that. Of course they would all run a 10K in my 5K time…heck, they could probably run a 15K.
Alright chica!! You got it done and that’s what counts, right?
Don’ even think about those speedy’s. Compare yourself to you, beat yourself and you are a winner.
Deep thoughts by dumb ass Viv
Anwhoo, If you were not feeling it you did the right thing. next year go back and claim your vengence. PS I swear to carbo load by Combos. To confirm they retain water like a mofo’
Oh but crack chaffing..interesting usually only get it on the bike. Chamios butter, if you think there might be a return
LOL @ crack chaffing!
I can usually come up with a list similar to yours for any race. Like you, the list goes out the window as soon as I arrive…
You’ll get ’em next time!!
LOL..uhm yeah that’s how I ran my last race…I ate like crap, and was hungover…
Showing up to the start is half the game. It gets easier and more fun once your body fully understands what you are telling it to do.
If it makes you feel better, my pre race meal (night before) is pizza and beer (home brew of course)
Matt Patten