This blog is getting a much needed makeover…really how much can I write this winter about running on a treadmill or on the track. “yep, went around the track 10 times today” is just
And, do you really care what my Heart Rate was on the elliptical or that the spin instructor played shitty music?
So what would be blog Worthy?
As I was getting dressed today I realized (okay I had this revelation for a long time ago..but whatever!) that I have A LOT of clothes, shoes, handbags and accessories.
As I was reaching for my black suit blazer (that goes with a pair of pants in storage that don’t fit at the moment) I wondered the last time I wore the blazer next to it, a lovely Ellen Tracy velvet number with a paisley print. And as I searched for my black flats I looked up and thought, why the hell did I buy those masochistic Tania Spinella shoes. I was in need of a new pair of black heels (picture is in red, mine are black leather) and the price was right, 90% off, but still, I want to cut my feet off after 5 minutes in them. They do look hot.. maybe I can wear them with my sweat pants on a Friday nights while my ass is fused to the couch playing WarCrack this winter?
Last year about this same time, I did a massive cleaning of my bathroom including my makeup basket. Any eyeshadow that I had not used in over a year got tossed. Any mascara that was older than 1 month got pitched. After the purge, I still had enough makeup for every model at NY fashion week. After realizing that I had 5 pots of blue eyeshadow, I took a vow last year….no new makeup other than essentials (ie: foundation, mascara, tinted moisturizer). It wasn’t until last month that I made a trip to the makeup counter (actually CVS because I was desperate on Friday night) to buy something other than mascara. I ran out of tinted moisturizer, face powder and pigmented pink beige lip gloss. (I’ll give my review of some of my drugstore beauty finds and losers some other time). Well for the past year I have used what I had, and it wasn’t awful. I do have to say that I was sad to miss out on the some of the fun summer eye colors, but in the end, I still always look fine.
On my walk to work I started thinking, for one year, could I wear everything that was in my closet? Can I fit back into the TUB of clothes in storage that don’t fit? Can I go one year without buying the equivalent of blue eyeshadow clothing?
I think I can…
So if I try this little experiment, what would I deem as an essential that I need to buy if I don’t have anything in my closet? Or if the garment that I have that is an essential gets ruined or too big (or heaven forbid too small) ?
Here is the list:
1. Trouser socks, tights, pantyhose, knee high nylons. Runs are bound to happen, the dryer will eventually eat a few socks and a bare leg is down right dangerous in a Chicago winter.
2. The “business suit”. I doubt I will have an issue anytime in the near future. But should the Weight Watcher gods bless my Weight Loss Journey with more than 50 lbs I’m going to need a new suit. Yes I know separates are acceptable these days, but I think a coordinated suit just looks better. Of course I could have my suits altered too.
3. The black pant – Like the business suit, I doubt I will have an issue anytime soon. I think I have black pants ranging from size 10-14 in the “I can’t squeeze my ass into these but I will someday” tub of clothes. I might even have a size 8 that I kept for glory purposes. But like the suit, should I be blessed, I’m going to need some new pants or walk around looking like I have load in my pants.
4. Foundations..I don’t have much, but I like to keep the sisters facing north.
5. A proper fitting bathing suit for swimming. I don’t think I need to say much more other than, my current spedo will be wearing thin in a few months (chlorine from the pool reaps havoc on suits) and I don’t need everyone at the gym seeing my bits and pieces.
6. one or two items when I’m in Europe next week. Lets be realistic, I’m going to be in the fashion capital of the city that has one of my all time favorite flea markets (flea market in Paris is not same as the Maxwell Street dive market in Chicago). Seriously, it would be like going to France and not eating cheese!
So, for the next year (365 days) I will be dedicating my blog to my closet and my challenges of wearing everything I own, trying to get back into that, “before I was fat” bin of clothes.
I plan on using a super duper high tech tracking method of what I wear..the !
Each time I wear something it will get a little “x” on a tag indicating that I wore it. Shoes boxes that I store my shoes in will also get an “x”. Purses will get a piece of paper in them with and “x.” I’m not sure what to do with the jewelry..maybe keep a log in my jewelry box? Anything that does not not have an “x” (less jewelry, there is some jewelry I have but don’t wear and won’t get rid of for sentimental sake) gets tossed or recycled next year.
To keep things fun, I will be reporting back on “what I wore”..with pictures.
For those of you who just loved my blog about running, don’t fret, I’m sure I’ll toss in a little running/exercise weight loss news here and there.
mommie2lea says
This sounds like fun! I’ll be interested to see how the experiment works.
For your jewelry, you could take a picture of it all together (in your box or laid out) and then X out each item on the picture itself as you wear it. You could always make it bigger and then just print it out on paper so that you can actually see the items.
Have a safe and fabulous trip!
Al's CL Reviews says
Sounds fun!
I’ll be interested to see the pics!