Shirt- Brynn Walker – Panache with Groupon Coupon 2009
Jeans- simply Vera Wang – Kohls 2008
Boots- Madden Girl-Loehmanns 2009
Earrings- diamond studs – gift from sister.
I walked a many miles in those boots. From one end of Cologne to the other I went to 5 Christmas markets, then it was small office party at Charlie’s company to celebrate the company Christmas tree, then out to watch the futbol game (note the still smoke in bars… Thus my original an of rewearing these in day light is being rethought. Ugh, I’m an ex-smoker you would think I’d be immune, I’m not). After soccer, as we call it in the USA! We met up with charlies co-workers for more drinks (notice the lack of dinner.. My eating schedule is messed up). Dontcha worry we had a Doner Kebob before heading to bed. And it’s not like I didn’t have 3 huge potato pancakes with apple sauce washed down with gluhwein earlier today. Germans know street food like no others.
Next were off to Paris!
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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