Friday I was consumed with disease that had me huggin’ the porcelain God for dear life. I think at one point I prayed for mercy. I’m not sure what it was that got me, a 24 hour bug is what I’m thinking since I had a fever. Eating a piece of toast and drinking a coke was the highlight of my night.
Saturday I felt 1000x better so I went to our garden and harvested a bunch of tomatoes and carrots. After putting my green thumb to work I showered and Charlie and I went to the the Threadless Anniversary party. We stayed for a few minutes, collected our free t-shirt and headed out to do errands. First we stopped to get a bite to eat. I made a “safe choice” of a Belgian waffle and hot tea. It was then off to Whole Foods to grocery shop for the week and for our Sunday tail gait. Since I was still on the mend, we made Saturday and early night and watched movies. I was kind of bummed since the weather was so nice. I feel like summer is slipping away and I need to take every opportunity to enjoy it while its here.
My husband and I had been out all day and we didn’t know the score until later. We were unaware of the call too until it was all over the news last night. Well it was in our favor. But I can also see where they would rule it that way.
The tailgate spread looks good! I want to come next time and nosh with you!:)
Well I’m glad your crappy weekend turned around and that you’re feeling better! I hate to waste a weekend being sick!
I just came across your blog, and wanted to say–GOOOO BEARS!!!!!! always great to find another bears fan.
Oooooo, how fun. Hope you are all better now!