In 2010 when I lost the bulk of 40+ lbs I did it though a healthy diet, activity and lots of exercise. I say activity because not only was I exercising routinely but, I was also getting in a lot of physical activity. Basically, I walked or biked everywhere and I would take Addison on extra long walks daily.
Walking her for 30-40 minutes got us both in great shape.
Cut to today. I’ve gained 17 lbs and my dog is a fattie! She has also packed on 4 lbs. She tipped the scale at 51.4 lbs at her last vet visit.
Time to make some changes and get our butts moving. What better way go get motivated than an organized race for a great cause? So,come out and join Addison and I and support PAWS Chicago at their 13th Annual Zoetis Run for Their Lives 8K Run & 4K Dog-Friendly Walk on June 9th at 9:00 am at Montrose Harbor.
Registration Link:
It will be fun and you can hang out with one of the best dogs ever!

She is so adorable!