Thumbs up to a pretty great weekend!
I had a fun packed weekend filled with some great food, good company and the kickoff of race season.
Friday Charlie and I went with our friends S&A to ING.
Saturday we went and bottled our Valentine’s Day Wine. I then made a quick trip out to see my mom so I could get back to the city for our 6 PM reservation at Glimpse. The food was delicious and the cocktails even better. Our 6pm reservation worked out well because I had to be in bed early for the Shamrock Shuffle.
Today I laced up my running shoes for my first race of the season. It went worse than expected. I knew I was under trained but didn’t expect the heat and the crowds. I was thirsty by mile 1. And then, I was cruising along and got pushed and fell. The lady behind me fell into me because she was pushed by someone trying to get around her. I was fine..mine was more of a stumble but she ended up with a bloody knee/leg. I felt bad and walked with her for a bit. She ended up going to the aid station at mile 3. After our collision I couldn’t get my heart rate down and every time I would run it would shoot up. So it wasn’t my best race by far. I could have done better and I probably should have pushed, but I didn’t.
I have lots of regrets but in the end, I got up, got out of bed, laced up my shoes and went for a run with 32,400 other people today.
Double Thumbs up for effort!
After the race, I headed with S (of S&A) to a bridal shower for one of our friends. It was a lovely shower and the bride to-be was glowing. It was just a really great day.
Sorry the race wasn’t that great, but you look great!