I’ve done it again..its Wednesday and I have not run since Sunday which was a quick 1.25 miles on the dreadmill. I have a 5K on Saturday..YIKES! I’m also running with friends of mine so I need to “show up.” I’m hoping my lack of running has healed up my sore balls (giggle..I said balls) on my feet and that I’ll be supah fast. Okay, thats my theory and I’m sticking to it. My real issue is that I just can’t get out of bed to run in the am. I try, roll over and wake up at my normal time even if I have an alarm set. I’m just not a morning person.
My feet are a mess too. I seem to to be shedding my calluses which is just gross. After the race I’m going for a spa pedi.
My weight debacle seems to be less of a debacle these days. I’ve lost the 5lbs that I gained and I’m back on track. I’ve been on Core + some fine tweaks (eg. I won’t eat plain ff yogurt and if you put sweetener and extract what is the difference between that and light and fit?). I plan to do that through the holidays this year.
I just ran across your blog (no pun intended).
WTG on your 5K. I hear ya on needing a spa pedi. I hope to get one of those really soon…running can be so bad on the feet!
Wow, it’s like I’m reading something I wrote myself. (everything except the losing 5 lb). I do this to myself on a regular basis- alarm goes off at 5am, I roll over and re-set the alarm for 6am and skip my run.
Good luck on the 5K!
Good luck at the 5K tomorrow!
Good luck on the race on Sat, and enjoy ur pedi. WTG on the 5lb shrinkage!